These dogs combine the speed and ingenuity of the hunt for prey, they hunt in packs and very organized, one where the dog directs unity prey, and other dogs ready to attack after another until the helpless prey.
Selasa, 29 Juni 2010
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
Coyote use their speed to hunt small mammals such as rabbits, rats, squirrels, deer and cattle, this meat-eating animals, live in groups, and hunt throughout the season.
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
Fox Hunter
Foxes are the hunters who consume the meat and vegetables. They use their speed to hunt rabbits, rats and even birds.
Rabu, 23 Juni 2010
Early Genes Found Animals
Some time ago, some researchers from the United States, is also trying to reveal about the early evolution of life which is believed to be preceded by small animals in the ocean. The findings, published in the journal PlosOne This suggests that the researchers had devised a subtle portrait of the animal origin of the first gene. Those who came from the University of California at Santa Barbara this call has seen the origin of new genes in Hydra cniadirian, a group of animals who fall into groups of coral, jellyfish, jellyfish, sea anemones that have existed for more than a hundred million years ago.
However, according to David Plachetzki, which is very exciting discoveries are still to be investigated further. But, at least, they now have a time frame for the evolution of the sensitivity of the animal. "We know now predecessors had existed since 600 million years ago," says David.
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
Origin of Tea in China
China is believed to be the birthplace of the tea plant. Emperor Shen Nung, lived about 2737 years BC, has a habit of always boil water before drinking. One day, while resting after the tour in his realm, Emperor asks the servant to boil drinking water. At that time, some leaves, from trees that are not known his name, fell into a boiling pot of water and change color to brown.
Once tasted, the Emperor felt that he drank water becomes more pleasant. The body becomes more fresh. Starting from there, cha, or tea in Chinese, is known.
Other in China, another in Japan. Seed tea was first brought to Japan from China in the 9th century AD by Yeisei Myoan, an homage to the Zen Buddhist priest. Previously, Yeisei have proven efficacy of tea that could make him stay awake while meditating.
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
Seagrass Ecosystems
Environment of coastal waters is receiving enough sunlight can penetrate to the bottom waters. In these waters are also rich in nutrients as it gets supplies from two places namely land and ocean ecosystems so that a high organic productivity. Because of a very supportive environment in the coastal waters of the seagrass plants can live and develop optimally. Seagrass is defined as the only flowering plants (Angiospermae) that is able to adapt fully in high salinity waters or buried alive in the water and have Rhizoma, leaves, and the true root. Some experts also defines seagrass (Seagrass) as the flowering of water plants, marine life in the water, vascular, leafy, berimpang, roots, and multiply by seeds and shoots.
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
Tropical Garden Style
After reviewing about Bali Style Small Parks, now I'll review about Tropical Style Gardens. Why am I reviewing this title? Because the style of this garden is very likely apply to us who live in the tropics with rainfall and high humidity. Diversity of vegetation (plants) that exist in Indonesia is particularly prevalent everywhere and it became the capital to create a tropical-style garden.
Perhaps as friends never see, a tropical garden is a lot of prioritizing park soft materials (softscape) in the form of plants and is identical to the natural impression. The presence of plants ranging from grasses, herbs, shrubs, bushes, until the tree is one of the fixtures of vegetation which would be presented. From the sequence of vegetation above the height must be considered a good layout and design harmony to produce a good tropical style garden.
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010
Grass Planting Tips
As discussed in a post carpet Grass In the Garden Design and logs, grass is one of the vegetation that is commonly used in the park. In addition to soothing the eyes, the grass can also create a visualization of our garden into the wider area of our garden, although too small. But how can we make a crop area of grass became greener and easier to maintain? Below I will discuss according to several articles I have read.
The selection of suitable grass should be kept well because not all types of grass can be planted in any place. Make sure the area to be planted with grass to get sunlight for 6-8 hours. In general yard planted with grass is a type of Japanese grass (Zoysia japonica) and elephant grass (or almost the same with Pearl grass).
Senin, 14 Juni 2010
Planting and Flower Care How to Cambodia
Certainly familiar with this type of tree is it? I've discussed in previous articles of Cambodia. Now, for the post this time I discussed about how to plant and care for her and recognize diseases that are often 'suffered' by this exotic tree.
The tree has two leaf forms. The first has a sharp pointed leaves (Plumeria rubra / acutifolia) and the second has a rounded tip (Plumeria obtusa). The difference does not affect the way investments.
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
Know Aglaonema
Aglaonema merupakan tumbuhan dedaun yang berasal dari kawasan paya serta hutan hujan tropika. Pokok herba ini mempunyai jangka hayat hidup yang lama. Genus berwarna putih kemudian bertukar kehijauan dan akhirnya merah apabila sudah tua. Pokok ini mempunyai ketinggian 20-150 cm, daun yang berwarna hijau gelap, panjang daun 10-45 cm , lebar daun 4-6 cm , dan bunga terdapat dalam warna merah atau pun putih. Penanaman pokok ini memerlukan saluran pengairan baik, medium ini memerlukan campuran tanah peroi: baja kandang:pasir dengan nisbah 3:2:1. Tanah yang sesuai mempunyai lempung, pasir, dan sedikit berasid sebaliknya tanah mengandungi garam merupakan tanah yang tidak elok. Tanaman ini sesuai ditanam pada kawasan yang kurang cahaya, cahaya yang terang boleh menyebabkan daun melecur.
Kamis, 10 Juni 2010
The beauty of the Lotus
Lotus cultivated in the waters and ponds, sometimes found growing wild in the swamp. Lotus (Nymphaea sp) is a water plant which is very popular ornamental plant enthusiasts because his features are natural, exotic and decorative so that it can make the garden more lively at once soothing views. Nelumbo nucifera lotus or Padma often called, in Europe also called Water Lily Lily flowers because the flowers resemble.
In addition to beautiful flowers, this plant was also used as food and medicines. Almost the entire plant can be utilized. In traditional Chinese medicine, lotus leaves are believed to lower the heat, cure headaches and diarrhea.
Rabu, 09 Juni 2010
Create a Global Warming World Flood Stud
Global warming not only causes changes in climate, but also disrupt sexual interactions in wildlife. One concern is the impact that disruption of the proliferation of living things because of the increase in temperature tends to give birth many males than females.
In most reptiles (reptiles), how sex is determined after the fertilized egg incubation temperature until hatching. If the temperature is above the average temperature, pivotal temperatures commonly called, is almost certainly going to grow into a stud. This will cause problems if the rate of temperature increase drove faster than the natural ability to adapt. The number of females will be much smaller than males.
Selasa, 08 Juni 2010
Papuan parrots
Like birds suck honey Melipotes carolae Beehler found & Prawiradilaga scientist at Conservation International Mamberamo Foja Mountains at an altitude of 1000 meters, even this kind of bird families found to be able to survive at an altitude of 1500 up to 3000 meters above sea level, in the valley of Papua Waa. Honeyeater bird / birds this honey-suckers, his whole body covered in black fur with a little brown-gray on the chest. The beauty of orange-yellow cockscomb right hand left eyelid makes it emit a beautiful blend of the Papua typical contrast, black and yellow. Shiny black beak length of about 2 cm, pointy beak-like sparrows can make sure he was classified as forest flower honey-sucking birds.
Senin, 07 Juni 2010
Murderer ants from South
One of the most deadly in the world ants are ants bulldog. The name "bulldog ants" (bulldog ant) is given by their ability to jump into the enemy & provide ungodly painful bite, maybe like a real bulldog. They also often called "bull ant" (bull ant) for a pair of horn-like jaw size. This is the biggest ants man who is known; body length can reach nearly four inches long & sting about half a centimeter! Them widely available in Australia & Tasmania, as well as a small part of New Caledonia New Zealand &
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010
World's Tallest Animal Land
Who does not know the giraffe? These animals are easily recognizable because of his eminence who & long neck. They can be found throughout the savanna region of Africa. A giraffe can reach 6 m & weight reached nearly 2 tons. First, the giraffe was called as "camelopard" because of her figure like a combination between the Camel (camel) with leopard (leopard). Name giraffe who now (Giraffe) actually comes from the Arabic "zurapha" y meaning high & then absorbed into the Italian language "giraffa"
Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010
Sea Shells, blue ring octopus, and Fish Rock
At sea there are also brightly colored shells. Everything must be treated with caution and do not hold with bare hands. Part stinging from the animals that live in shells can reach every surface of the body.
There will be a feeling of thickness and puncture wound which spreads from the sting area. It also can cause respiratory paralysis, which resulted in cessation of heart or respiratory failure.
Jumat, 04 Juni 2010
Sea Serpent stings and jellyfish
Sea Serpent
The attack from the sea snakes are rare indeed. According to the nature of the animal, generally will not attack if they do not feel annoyed or provoked. However, if bitten by sea snakes, will experience symptoms such as limb stiffness, pain and weakness accompanied by muscle contraction.
Muscle paralysis can spread to the body and cause difficulty breathing, as a result the victim often panic and act less fair.
Kamis, 03 Juni 2010
Ocean Master Creatures Fossils, Teeth sum Cucumber
Apatosaurus was a giant reptile marine animals that live to 150 million years ago in prehistoric times that have become extinct, including the animals that live together in the Jurassic dinosaur. On October 5 last, a scientist from Norway announced that they had found fossils of sea animals Apatosaurus prehistoric giants in Arctic Svalbard archipelago. According to the news, this is the first fossil Apatosaurus skeleton found intact manicured man today.
A character from the museum of natural history University of Oslo, the Norwegian said, that the researchers found fossils of a giant Apatosaurus with a length of approximately 10 meters above the island of Spitsbergen Svalbard archipelago about 500 km north of mainland Norway in August. Currently, there are some fossils were buried in a mountainside that is still untapped entirety.
Rabu, 02 Juni 2010
The Bitter brotowali Usefulness
Indonesia is very rich variety of plant species, including plants that can be used as a drug. Herbal treatment was no longer dominated the eastern states. More and more emerging country herbalist from the west. One of the plants known as the drug is brotowali which has a bitter taste. Usefulness of the plant has long been known to the public were hereditary.Brotowali called Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers or Tinospora Tinospora tuberculata rumphii or belonging to the plant family Menispermaceae. The plant is also known by the name of the Andawali, antawali, Tinospora cordifolia, putrawali or leaves gadel. Plants are rich in chemical constituents, including alkaloids, soft resin, starch, glycosides pikroretosid, pikroretin bitter substances, harsa, berberine, palmatin, kolumbin (root), kokulin (pikrotoksin).
Benefits of water hyacinth plants
Water hyacinth (Latin: Eichhornia crassipes) is one type of floating aquatic plants. In addition known as water hyacinth, in some areas in Indonesia, water hyacinth has a different name, such as in the area known as Kelipuk Palembang, Lampung Ringgak known, in the Dayak-known Ilung ilung, in Manado Tumpe known.
Water hyacinth is an h
The use of thatched For Drugs
Sago palm plants or commonly Known as sago, a starch content is very large in the trunk. So far more use for making flour only. Indonesia with a large number of Swampy and conducive to growth of sago palm, has the potential of starch grains in the producer demand for the drug industry needs, especially tablets. Until now, Indonesia still needs to import starch for industrial use of drugs / pharmaceuticals. Even for everyday practical purposes for students, also made the importation from outside. The first thing necessary is to do the standardization in the processing of sago palm as well as improving the quality of starch produced in accordance with international standards. This sago starch seemed appropriate to make an essay.
Use of sago palm as an ulcer drug Among drugs, namely by cutting out the stem sap so then collected in a bowl or small plate and Whiting were mixed sufficiently. Once well blended, then smeared on boils.
Distribution of Flora in Indonesia Region
Distribution of flora in Indonesia was formed because of the geological events that occurred in millions of years ago, namely during the melting of ice (glacial period). At the time of ice melting occurred on a large scale causing rising sea levels in the earth, this causes some shallow areas that later became submerged by sea water and form a new waters.
Some new waters around Indonesia, which was formed during the glacial period was the termination of the Java Sea shoal located in the Sunda region and Arafuru Sea shoal areas contained in Sahul. Formation of new waters in these shallow areas that originally caused the flora can freely migrate eventually hampered by changes in geological conditions.
Tapak Dara Plant
Plants that are included in the family Apocynaceae is a species with a variety of chemical constituents. Plants that are included in the family Apocynaceae is a species with a variety of chemical constituents. According to Ir. Winarto, herbalist from Garden Karyasari medicine, there are more than 70 kinds of alkaloids in all parts of the plant vinca. Even within the plant vinca alkaloids also have anticancer, ie the active component of vinblastine and leurocristine (vincristine).
About Loranthus
Loranthus (Loranthus, familia Euphorbiaceae) is a plant species that do not require soil media as a place of life, they live "ride" on other plants. This plant is called a parasitic plant, because of the hanging or all of the necessities of life (food and energy) from other plants (plants that ride is called the host). Host is not uncommon to die for "food" in the absorption by the parasite.
Medicinal Plants 18 Types of Men Lower Fertility
A number of 18 species of medicinal plants in Indonesia potentially reduce male fertility or antifertility. With further testing, medicinal plants that could be an alternative means of male contraception.
Head of Development and Application Center of Traditional Medicine (SP3T), dr Azwar Agoes, put it in the Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Andrology and the Indonesian Society of Andrology Specialist Physician some time ago.