
Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Benefits of water hyacinth plants

Water hyacinth (Latin: Eichhornia crassipes) is one type of floating aquatic plants. In addition known as water hyacinth, in some areas in Indonesia, water hyacinth has a different name, such as in the area known as Kelipuk Palembang, Lampung Ringgak known, in the Dayak-known Ilung ilung, in Manado Tumpe known.
Water hyacinth is an h
erb, floating in the water is sometimes rooted in the soil, height 0.4 to 0.8 m.
Roset hyacinth leaves is the root, single, oval, pointed tip, base tapering, base of petiole ballooned, the edge of a flat, 7-25 cm long, and the surface slippery and green leaves. Hyacinth plants have no stem.
Flowers of water hyacinth is compound interest, grain shape, in the armpit leaves, stems angled, soft, green, petal tube shape; stamens 6, 3 is longer than the others; crown loose, 2-3 cm long, purple.
Use of water hyacinth as a drug of them (the whole plant or root):
- Throat feels hot, do not pass urine, biduran, boils, abscesses.
To cure puffy consumes around 10 grams of Eichhornia crassipes leaf stalk, finely ground and then placed on the swollen part, and then wrapped with a clean cloth.
Water hyacinth grows in shallow ponds, wet lands and swamps, slow streams, lakes, water reservoirs and rivers. This plant can tolerate extreme changes of water levels, water rates, and changes in nutrient availability, pH, temperature and toxins in water.
Chemical content of the water hyacinth is: Eichhornia crassipes leaves contain saponins, and polyphenols flavonoida.
Recently there have been studies done, showing water hyacinth can be used as a collector of uranium.

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