
Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

The beauty of the Lotus

Lotus cultivated in the waters and ponds, sometimes found growing wild in the swamp. Lotus (Nymphaea sp) is a water plant which is very popular ornamental plant enthusiasts because his features are natural, exotic and decorative so that it can make the garden more lively at once soothing views. Nelumbo nucifera lotus or Padma often called, in Europe also called Water Lily Lily flowers because the flowers resemble.
In addition to beautiful flowers, this plant was also used as food and medicines. Almost the entire plant can be utilized. In traditional Chinese medicine, lotus leaves are believed to lower the heat, cure headaches and diarrhea.
Lotus leaf ash containing homeostatic effect, namely the ability to return to normal body condition, and are believed to stop bleeding in the lungs, nose, and uterus.Besides leaves, lotus seeds are also beneficial for heart health, spleen and kidney. Lotus seed is used in making various cakes, drinks or porridge. Lotus seeds also contain an astringent effect that is useful for treating diarrhea and also contain the effects of sedatives so useful for overcoming insomnia and the palpitations (fast heartbeat).
The aroma of fragrant lilies are widely used in the treatment of interest energy (Bach's flower remedies). The smell of lotus increase vitality and has a calming effect. Another source said that the lotus flower decoction can be used as a reliever bleeding and cure inflammation of the skin to fester.
In addition to leaves and seeds, lotus tuber usual processed into pickles, stir, chips and dodol. Lotus tuber is also efficacious against colds, high blood pressure and hemorrhoids.

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