
Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Early Genes Found Animals

Some time ago, some researchers from the United States, is also trying to reveal about the early evolution of life which is believed to be preceded by small animals in the ocean. The findings, published in the journal PlosOne This suggests that the researchers had devised a subtle portrait of the animal origin of the first gene. Those who came from the University of California at Santa Barbara this call has seen the origin of new genes in Hydra cniadirian, a group of animals who fall into groups of coral, jellyfish, jellyfish, sea anemones that have existed for more than a hundred million years ago.
However, according to David Plachetzki, which is very exciting discoveries are still to be investigated further. But, at least, they now have a time frame for the evolution of the sensitivity of the animal. "We know now predecessors had existed since 600 million years ago," says David.

Although many recent discoveries could be the answer as the origin of life, however, new theories will continue to appear. Because, this is a sensitive issue of life. For some people, perhaps it is misteriSang Creator, but for scientists, this is a challenge to be solved. So, whatever the findings, it is up to us what is believed.

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