
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

History Day on Biological Diversity

International Day for Biological Diversity (The International Day for Biological Diversity) was first celebrated on December 29, 1993 based on the determination of the Second Committee of UN General Assembly in 1993. Determination dated December 29 as the World Biodiversity Day coincided with the implementation of About • Biodiversity Convention (COP-Convention on Biological Diversity).
But in Deseber 2000, the United Nations adopted on 22 May as International Day for Biological Diversity (The International Day for Biological Diversity). This deals with the difficulties many countries to plan and implement the International Day for Biological Diversity on 29 December to coincide with a holiday to remember the end of the year.

Functions and Benefits of Coral Reefs

Regions in Indonesia which has a fairly good coral reefs such as the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua. Based on an ecological study led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) with relevant expertise in the world's coral reefs and fish in 2002, found approximately 537 species of corals and 1074 species of fish in the Raja Ampat archipelago. This means that the Raja Ampat Islands is an archipelago with the highest number of species of coral reef in the world.
The number of coral species in Raja Ampat is 75% of all types of coral reefs of the world has ever been found. Although the Caribbean islands in Central America and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in Australia is very well known, both regions have only about 400 species of coral.

Turtle Preserve and Avoid Extinction

According to scientists, sea turtles, including one ancient animal was still alive until now. Turtles believed to have existed since the late Jurassic (145-208 million years ago). This means that the dinosaur age. At that time, the ancestors of sea turtles, Archelon, with the length of the body six feet, and Cimochelys been swimming in the primordial sea turtles like the present. turtle-green
This ancient animal, believed to be the keeper of balance of marine ecosystem. Where found in turtles, there can be found abundant natural wealth of the sea. Turtles can be found in all oceans of the world.

Unique Animal Tarsier

These small primates are often referred to as the world's smallest monkey, although these animals were not monkeys. At least there are nine types of Tarsier in the world. Two types are in the Philippines while the rest, there are seven species in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The most famous is the two species found in Indonesia is Tarsius tarsier (Animal Ghosts / Ghosts Apes) and Tarsius pumilus (pygmy tarsier, small krabuku or Pygmy tarsier). All tarsier species including rare and endangered animals in Indonesia.
Tarsius name taken based on the physical characteristics of their special body, namely the elongated tarsal bones, which form their ankles so they can jump as far as three meters (nearly 10 feet) from one tree to another. Tarsier also has a long tail that is not hairy, except on the edges. Each of the hands and feet, these animals have five fingers long. The fingers have nails, except the second and third fingers with claws.

Microhierax white White Eagle

"We have an existing Java eagle population there were 19 heads and 200 tails previously reached," said Forest Ecosystem Control Officer at the National Crop Area Salak Mountain Mist (TNGHS), Dede Nugraha, Wednesday.
According to him, dwindling populations of protected birds that government caused the forest plants are used as food sources aside even a few missing points due to illegal logging.
Currently, according to him, that there was java eagle spread across the region only Cikaniki, Block Wates and Mount Endut TNGHS around protected forest areas.

Komodo Boyong Embassy to Japan Tokyo

Indonesia introduced a spirit should be found not merely through cultural and economic activities, but can also introduce an animal with typical Indonesian origin, such as that being undertaken by the Embassy in Tokyo and two organizer major zoos in Japan.
Zoo managers from Sapporo and Sendai was deliberately come all the way to Tokyo, Wednesday, to meet with the ambassador of Indonesia to Japan Jusuf Anwar, to discuss the realization of sending dragons and other rare animals from Indonesia.

Strange fossil discovery in the Fish Pond

Residents of coastal area, Kampung Bungin RT 3 / 1 Desa Bakti Beach, Gembong Muara District, Bekasi, commotion with the discovery of bones of ancient stars that have become fossilized. Ancient animal fossils, were discovered residents on Tuesday (18/11) and, in one of citizen's fish pond.
While the fossil was found Muasim (32) local residents, who were digging mud, to raise pond dock.
Previously, Muasim the middle of the pond where the water was soaking her body as tall as one meter more, the tip of his foot struck by hard objects.

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Aloe Vera Healing properties in Various Diseases

Aloe vera is one of aloevera nutritious medicinal plants to cure various diseases. This herb has been used nation around the year 1875 BC Samaria.
Ancient Egyptians already knew the properties of aloe vera as a medicine around the year 1500 BC. Thanks to its benefit, the society of ancient Egyptians referred to it as the plant of immortality.
A traditional medicine peracik Greek named Dioscordes, mentioning that the aloe vera can cure various diseases. For example ulcers, skin bruises, cracked, chafed, hair loss, hemorrhoids, and sore throat.

Usefulness Garlic

Garlic has been used as medicine for thousands of years. Even 3000 years BC, Chinese poets have been testing and writing the benefits of garlic! Ancient Greek scholar Aristotle also has been testing the garlic in the year 335 BC for use as an ancient Egyptian pengobatan.Tulisan noted that garlic given to the workers who built the pyramids to keep them strong and healthy. The Russians made the garlic as "instead of antibiotics" and is known as "Russian Penicillin" because the trust contains one tenth the good of penicillin.

Usefulness Mahkota Dewa As Conquering Cancer

Evaluate the efficacy of these plants, you might be interested in planting. Why not. This plant turned out to have remarkable properties. He can cure health problems from a mock up that there is almost no hope of a cure. If it's just sore, a day or two will disappear. Flu? Well, that's a task that also could fix a day for two days. Diabetes was going to surrender in a few months.
What about cancer? Although it took months, these plants were able to fight to the death. At least it was based on empirical experience of many people, including those to feel recovered from liver disease or heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, and gout.

Types of Ornamental Plant Pests On

To benefit the, Prevent or Cope with pests early obliged to note. Here Are Some Common types of pests That attack ornamental plants along the way to overcome it.

1. White Lice (Mealy Bugs)
Mealybug is the most common pests that attack ornamental plants. Quite easy to detect its presence. They clustered at the stem, leaves, leaf armpits, lower leaves up to leaf tip. Mealybug called because the color that looks white because of the kind of white powder that covered his body.

Swallow's Nest properties

Swiftlet nests that serve as food supplement like a multivitamin in the store - stores. Swiftlet nests intake tends to stimulate performance organs better. Increased immune and sickness leave, said cancer specialists from the School of Traditional Medicine in Henan Province, China. So besides that swallow nest contains proteins that form the largest component of the glycoprotein which is in addition to carbohydrates, fats and water. Number reached 50 percent.

Usefulness Bee Propolis

Propolis, or bee propolis is one product of the bees. Produced from the sap of plants and bee saliva that is very good for human health. By bees, this product is used for:

* Bee hive glue and mend the leak thus protecting the nest from outside interference.
* As a natural disinfectant that is used to sterilize the hive bees, to stop the growth and development of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
In propolis contained iron, vitamin B complex, pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, amino acids, minerals, and various bioflavonoids.

Javan tiger trail and features

Java or Javan tiger tiger (Panthera tigris sundaica) is endemic island of Java, or in other words animals that are only found in Java. Status Javanese tigers are now under CITES (Conservation on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) states that the existence of Javanese tigers had been extinct in 1996.
If the statement is based on visualization extinct Java tiger (Photos and Video), then based on photographs made by hoogerwerf in 1938, during the two times during his lifetime, the Javanese tigers with average age over 25 tshun also shall be extinct in 1988, rather than at the beginning 80's according to many experts.