
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

History Day on Biological Diversity

International Day for Biological Diversity (The International Day for Biological Diversity) was first celebrated on December 29, 1993 based on the determination of the Second Committee of UN General Assembly in 1993. Determination dated December 29 as the World Biodiversity Day coincided with the implementation of About • Biodiversity Convention (COP-Convention on Biological Diversity).
But in Deseber 2000, the United Nations adopted on 22 May as International Day for Biological Diversity (The International Day for Biological Diversity). This deals with the difficulties many countries to plan and implement the International Day for Biological Diversity on 29 December to coincide with a holiday to remember the end of the year.

Dated May 22, 1992 is the date of ratification Text Understanding Diversity (Nairobi Final Act of the Conference for the Adoption of the Agreed Text of the Convention on Biological Diversity). Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, which took place on 11-22 May 1992 is the last meeting before the implementation of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (3 to 14 June 1992) that produced the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (Biodiversity Convention).
Hopefully, the International Day for Biological Diversity (The International Day for Biological Diversity) with various intricacies of history and its implementation was able to grow a love for all human beings on the earth's biodiversity (biodiversity) in the earth.

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