
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Unique Animal Tarsier

These small primates are often referred to as the world's smallest monkey, although these animals were not monkeys. At least there are nine types of Tarsier in the world. Two types are in the Philippines while the rest, there are seven species in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The most famous is the two species found in Indonesia is Tarsius tarsier (Animal Ghosts / Ghosts Apes) and Tarsius pumilus (pygmy tarsier, small krabuku or Pygmy tarsier). All tarsier species including rare and endangered animals in Indonesia.
Tarsius name taken based on the physical characteristics of their special body, namely the elongated tarsal bones, which form their ankles so they can jump as far as three meters (nearly 10 feet) from one tree to another. Tarsier also has a long tail that is not hairy, except on the edges. Each of the hands and feet, these animals have five fingers long. The fingers have nails, except the second and third fingers with claws.

Tarsius indeed deserve to be called as a tiny primates since it has only about 10-15 cm long, weighing approximately 80 grams. Even Tarsius pumilus or Pygmy tarsier tarsier is the smallest species have only a body length of 93-98 millimeters and weighing 57 grams. Tail length between 197-205 millimeters.
Physical characteristics of other unique tarsier is a very large eye size. Tarsier eye size larger than the size of his brain. Her large size is very useful for nocturnal creatures (do the activity at night) was thus able to discern in the darkness of night.
pygmy tarsierTarsius also has a unique head because it can rotate up to 180 degrees to the right and left like an owl. The ear is also capable of endangered species movable to detect the existence of prey.
As nocturnal creatures, tarsiers only activity in the afternoon until night while the day is spent sleeping more. Therefore Tarsius hunt at night. The most important prey are insects such as cockroaches, crickets. However, sometimes a protected wildlife in Indonesia is also prey on small reptiles, birds and bats.
Its habitat is in the forests of North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi up, also in the neighboring islands like Sulawesi Suwu, Selayar, Siau, Sangihe and supplementary. In the National Parks and Conservation forest Bantimurung Tangkoko at Bitung, North Sulawesi. Here are easy and regular tourists can enjoy the unique wildlife in the world. Tarsier can also be found in the Philippines (Bohol Island). National Park Bantimurung Bulusaraung, South Sulawesi, Tarsius better known by local people as "balao clutches" or "rat squat" if interpreted into the Indonesian language.
Tarsius spent most of his life in the trees. This animal is marking trees with urine of their territories. Tarsius adjourn by jumping from tree to tree with a jump as far as three meters. These animals even sleep and give birth to continue to rely on tree trunks. Tarsier can not walk on land, they jump when in the ground.
The population of endangered tarsier, the smallest primate in the world who live in the forests of Sulawesi, estimated remaining 1800. It decreased drastically when compared the last 10 years where the number of animals named latin Tarsius spectrum, the tail is still around 3500. Even for Tarsius pumilus, supposedly very rare because very rarely found anymore.
Declining population due to destruction of forests tarsiers as the main habitat of this endangered species. Moreover not a few people who were arrested for consumption within the party of young people. Protected animals was used as a snack while sipping alcoholic beverages stamp mice.

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