
Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010


Raised domesticated geese for meat, eggs, large, and feathers, and sometimes "for his skill in Tashib crops or work in the guard, Aftyor geese huge and aggressive large and noisy need a little care when you are older and may live up to the age (30) years and is tougher than the ducks and depend largely on the grass pasture availability, and if you do not need more than the goose (1) kg of feed per week, "to grow properly. And the chicks would need to be a dry and warm in the first few weeks, and if the sponsorship, there is no need to shelter outside unless the weather is very cold outside and should be placed in a location close to night, "away" from predators, as is the case with ducks, the geese like swimming but it does not need to water for breeding.
• Diseases:
Prevention is the key to control of poultry diseases, as it is important to avoid outbreaks of disease, which may affect the entire flock, and the best thing to do is:
• vaccination against certain diseases such as Newcastle disease, avian pox and Newcastle.
• blood test females used in breeding for diseases such as diabetes knowledge Albullorm pullorum and Mycoplasma Mycoplasma and to eliminate holders.
• Provide a balanced diet containing vitamins and minerals and essential amino acids and energy for the elimination of deficiency diseases, nutrition.
• Provide recommended doses of drugs such as anti-coccidiosis if available to the chicks during the first two months of the old order to avoid "losing it.
• No entry of older birds "in the squadron was very young.
• avoid visiting the neighboring flocks without changing clothes in full.
• Change your mattress every two weeks before the introduction of a new squadron to the house previously used. "
• Follow the rules of public health and clean homes that are newly discharged, "the use of a sufficient quantity of disinfectants.
• internal parasites:
If you are a busy breeding birds may suffer from intestinal worms are retained is possible to get proper medication from the vet and then add it to food or Ilyalme.
• worms of Foreign Affairs:
And can be controlled by using insecticides, and care must be taken and caution when using pesticides such as using a face mask and gloves.
 Carbaryle and used to eliminate mites, lice, fleas, ticks and bed bugs.
 Cycromazine added to the mix of food to eliminate the flies.
 Dischloves tossing spray on the compost to eliminate the larvae of flies.
 Malathion and Carbaryl such use has reduced the longevity of its effectiveness in several areas.
 Nicotine Sulphate is fat roosts to break the sauce roosts.
 Permithrin
 Stirofos
Disease, which causes panic "severe" and priorities caused by a parasite invades the intestine and cause diarrhea and sudden death and spread in the crowded herds. There are drugs sulfur, which can be added to drinking water as it is given by an eye dropper or food available vaccine.
Black head disease
And is a disease that causes the initial lesions in the liver and baraza "yellow, and turkeys are very sensitive to this disease and should not remain ever" next to the chicken, which is relatively resistant "to a worm.

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