
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Created different types of bathroom

Created different types of bathroom from one type is (Rock Dove) rock pigeons. Which owes its origins to the Middle East, where farmers began to bathroom specialists in ancient times, upbringing and through selective breeding resulted in the bathroom and several functions:
- Bath race: bred for intelligence and ability to return to his homeland from long distances.
- Homers: and uses the instinct to return home and picking up the messages.
- Qallab bathroom, bathroom acrobatic, bathroom staggering: Who brought up for review and for his abilities on the fly.
- Poultry meat: raised for the table.
• Shelter:

Can live in the bathroom is decorated in the towers, walls, Uwe balconies inside boxes or nests. Must be of such funds resistant parasites must also be "taking away" from the ground, to be accessible to be cleaned, and be rooms with dimensions (46 × 46 × 46) cm and must be resistant to air currents. And have the floor boards are placed along the beginning of each entry. It is important here is that rain water does not reach into the nest so as not ruined.

• Nutrition:
Can the bathroom to eat different foods and the best food was a mix "of seeds of maple, maize, wheat, vetch and barley. Both" of grain and beans, vetch of vehicles with a high concentration of protein and is essential for the growth of young during the period of hatching and switch blades. Addresses the most about the bathroom (25) g of corn per day "and needs only one meal a day, to provide at regular intervals.
All kinds of bathroom you need a way ready for the grinded food channels within the digestive
(Not chicken meal, but STONES "soft) and that these stones are stored in the soft kgm where they help to break down food and convert it into small pieces easy to digest.
And should be to provide green fodder once a week. "
Must have fresh water constantly and are replaced constantly.

• Reproduction:
Unlike "many birds are hatching the eggs and small birds by the parents and must have a male and female nest / box dimensions (46 × 46 × 38) cm. And when they are mating Place the nest" football "implicit" shavings of wood or hay.
Put the egg the first ten days after mating and is not custody until placed second egg, and after about (44-46 hours) and hatch young yet (18) days "from the nursery by the male and female. And are feeding young on milk bath, which provided by the parents together, "At the age of about three weeks" starts to eat their own young.
• Switch blades:
Is this natural event annually, "and is controlled by hormones flying where change small feathers at the age of (12) weeks of" almost "to grow its feathers of the bird's. The loss of feathers, the main flight affects the bathroom, who was raised with a view to the race and should not be sent to distance race long.
• Health:
Saves the following instructions from infectious and parasitic diseases:
1 - must be a bathroom suitable housing and easy to clean.
2 - should be the parking of the animal in preparation for the airline, ground stone (or brick) for ease of cleaning, or you must keep the sand Blindfolded This land is dry and clean as it should be changed regularly (every 2 to 3 months).
3 - preferably good bird watching in their own homes with the seller before you buy as it allows the Governing seen on the source of these birds, whether buying from places reliable or not
4 - Clean the place once a week at least the cleaning frequency (once a day ") are back only if the disease or parasite Khimji 0 in the herd should be removed permanently blue as much as possible 0 is the sun of the most effective disinfectants and cheaper."
5 - Make sure you can not go to the bathroom and exotic birds to the homes of the bathroom and is can not these birds that the contamination housing 0
6 - Do not throw feed on the ground but placed in the troughs in particular.
7 - the security of opportunities to shower (and this important aspect of care feathers and prevention of parasites) 0
8 - Place the new bird before it entered into the flock in the stone for approximately two weeks
(Preferably 4 weeks in case of birds imported from abroad) to make sure they are free from diseases 0 may be useful to conduct a survey for the presence of Salmonella and internal parasites during the period 0
9 - Make sure that the transfer of funds bathroom cleaner and disinfectant and air-dried before use. 10 - must isolate the bathroom, which seems to be the disease (Kziaa appetite, weight loss, ruffled feathers, increased respiratory rate, diarrhea, suites Mtahedlp, inability to fly the coup d'état in the head and neck, infiltrates the nasal or in kind), after the insulation should be monitored and treatment of 0 and be allowed to fly to sick birds, sale or transfer 0
11 - bathroom should be checked regularly to make sure they are free of parasites 0
12 - must be addressed mothers bathroom against Trichomoniasis Trichomoniasis before the start of these mothers feeding chicks, between the first day and the tenth lap of whites lead to the prevention of the transport center of the parasite during this phase of nutrition Alihusalip or at least minimize them 0 Valhamam elderly may exhibit a number of cues without showing the disease 0
13 - can be ideal as the survey of parasites before treatment of internal parasites, the use of appropriate medications and to avoid unnecessary medicines 0
Symptoms of the bathroom proper and patient:
Bathroom sense:
1 - muscles was round, it is difficult NOTE Ends sternum.
2 - Raiqp eyes, and nasal openings dry.
3 - Examine the throat (eg materials Tbbp cues or in the event of smallpox wet).
4 - must be soft feathers, "brilliant," clean "in the region Almqdhirp, with the absence of parasites in the skin and feathers.
5 - No Krakhar respiratory, and the birds quiet and non-stressful.
Almqdhirp temperature (41.0-42.5) degrees Celsius.
6 - Blue specific shape and covered Balbolp.
1. Slim, inert with nasal infiltrates or in kind.
2. Loss of appetite, diarrhea.
3. Mtahedl and put feathers fluffy.
4. Tired, breathing and suites bitch.
5. Torsion head.
6. Swollen joints, and especially the "detailed wing (Salmonella)

Parasitic diseases
Oligochaete worms (Capillaria):
Symptoms: infected - often "- birds, young and old bathroom is located in the unsanitary conditions and moist. Appears on the infected birds, anemia, weakness in the overall situation and a decrease in appetite, inflammation of the intestines and watery diarrhea.
Treatment: Example: Allevamizul, Thabndasul, Mebendazole, Vipandasul. The Piperazine is an effective de-poetry. And prefer to give vitamin A for several days because he believes in the protection of intestinal epithelium, and others.
Proposal of treatment: the first day of the second day of the thirteenth day
And for the success of treatment prefer to test samples from glaucoma.
Prevention: is prevention through early separation between young and older birds. It should also be Mangers and stripes clean and free of glaucoma with regular cleaning of the floor and cages. And must keep the terraces and parking bathroom dry and sunny.
You should not keep the bathroom with chicken because the worms may be passed through the capillary types.

Elsafriaat (ascaris) Ascarids:
Symptoms: infected birds are usually young or old bathroom prone immunity at risk as a result of its presence in the environmental conditions, wet and unhealthy.
And observation of the symptoms: loss of weight, ruffled feathers in, and a decrease in appetite, diarrhea, mucous, and deaths usually occur "as a result full ileum Ileus Serious worms.
Treatment: Piperazine is active substances. But may appear in some cases a mixed infection Baloscares and oligochaete worms therefore preferred here to use other drugs Kallevamizul, and Althabindasul, and Almipandasul Alvipandasul and their impact on both Aldod together. "The Piperazine is effective only against ascaris worms and not against the noodles.
And must also "give vitamin A for several days to protect the intestinal epithelium. Proposals treatment as in oligochaetes the day first, second and third centuries. With the need for an examination of the injection to ensure the success of treatment.
Prevention: similar to that contained in the incidence of any Balchariat:
1. The early separation of juveniles from older birds.
2. Good cleaning of the troughs and bars, and make sure they are free of glaucoma.
3. Regular cleaning of the floor and cages.
4. To keep the bathroom stalls for dry and exposed to the sun.
On the contrary, oligochaete worms, there is no infection Tsalbip among the pigeons and chickens. Valoscares is the quality of the host.

Worms Alsnjamos Syngamus:
Symptoms: rare in the bathroom and often "appear to the young birds.
1. And be in the form of oral Gaping Gaps.
2. Weight loss.
3. Anemia.
4. A decline in appetite.
And mortality occurs usually as a result of suffocation, where there is blockage of the tracheostomy worms with him.
Treatment: treatment is as in oligochaetes, where the young birds must be separated from older with early cleaning Mangers and stripes to make sure they are free of glaucoma. Cleaning and the permanent ground and cages with dry bathroom stalls and exposed to the sun.
And may not be raising chickens and pigeons with each other because of the possibility of infection Tsalbip between the two.
Taenia cestodes:
Symptoms: rare in the bathroom and are usually "in the form of occasional Views such as loss of weight in severe cases.
Treatment: treatment is Actinklozamed (Mansunil, Iomizan) and praziquantel (Dornci) and prefer the blue check for successful treatment.
Prevention: breaking the link with Althwai average.

Almatturqat Trematodes:
Symptoms: do not occur frequently in the bathroom and notes wasting and anemia, with a blue mucous often "covered in blood. And the young birds are more susceptible to infection.
Also notes the loss in weight and inflammation of the intestine with View Almatturqat model in the intestine.
Treatment: treatment is Balbrazicuantil (Dornci).
Prevention: breaking the link Balthwai average (Example: not flown before dawn).

Alokriaat (coccidiosis) coccidia:
Symptoms: often get the "birds and juveniles less than that of older birds, which fell as a result of vulnerability and presence in unsanitary conditions moist.
And notes on the birds weight loss, ruffled feathers with dirty blades rear, and a decline in appetite, and large consumption of water with mucous diarrhea and water loss rate of up to (5-10%).
Treatment: birds overcome the infection if it is continuing to reduce sources of infection through appropriate health procedures.
Used to deal with sulfa drugs and Alombrol. And would prefer not to give vitamins during treatment. And in case of natural infection Coccidia, worms poetry and ascaris treatment is recommended the following:
The first day of treat worms, noodles.
The second day of treat worms, noodles.
The third and fourth days without treatment.
The fifth day ... and even on the twelfth day (depending on the type of medication) without treatment.
The thirteenth day of treatment against worms noodles.
Since the seventeenth day of glaucoma check to make sure of the success of treatment.
Prevention: similar to that used for disease oligochaetes:
1. Clean Mangers and stripes and make sure they are free of glaucoma.
2. Periodic cleaning of the floor and cages.
3. Drying and basking bathroom stalls.
4. Periodic examination of the parasites.

Trichomoniasis (decay bathroom) Trichomoniasis:
Symptoms: The trichomoniasis from more diseases frequently "in the bathroom Adolescents. And often" have more bathroom with a "worker pathogen. Injured pigeons wasted and become feathers Mnfusha" with the feather back dirty and may appear to the bathroom injured watery diarrhea, mucous in the presence of cheesy smell of rotting in the gizzard and oral cavity. Also shows a decline in appetite and increased water consumption and the ratio of mortality rates among the young birds.
Treatment: Dimitridasul (Almitril), Ronidasul (Dodifran) (5-10 days) Karindasul (Sparteix) (pill for once) and warn of increasing the dose.
Prevention: is through preventive treatment of the birds the mother during the days (1-10) from the arms of the eggs. And can not treat mothers and their young are you feeding (milk Craw) due to "access Zaghalil bathroom large doses have been fatal.
Mangers must be clean and stripes, and free of glaucoma.

Alhecsamita disease (Hiksamita bathroom):
Symptoms: Alhecsamita usually affects young birds after weaning, and it does not happen frequently. It appears the birds watery diarrhea with a foul smell, and get wasted with fluffy feathers and feather back dirty. Declining appetite and increased water consumption and increase the percentage of adult mortality in birds than to the elderly.
Treatment: Kalmharat Dimitridasul (Aimitril), Ronidasul (Dodifran) for a period (5-10 days) Karindasul (Sparteix) (pill for once).
Alronidasul seems to be an effective part. "And should address the whole shelf for seven days without a break and not more than the dose with the necessity of slaughtering poor.
Prevention: You must be Mangers and stripes clean and free of glaucoma should be a separation between the early-bird elderly and young.

External parasites in the bathroom
Red licorice Dermanyssus gallinae:
Symptoms: hates pigeons to enter the nest, and do not rest during the night, the bathroom injured weak "and its anemia and show cases of loss and the disease usually occurs during warm weather only.
Treatment: anti-insect spray is sprayed on the birds and the whereabouts of licorice and re-spray after two weeks.
Prevention: You must remove the nests of wild birds from places houses the bathroom. The nest material should be cleaned and periodical inspection. And regular cleaning of the floor and cages. Must be maintained on the homes of the bathroom dry and sunny because the mites and eggs are just not directly with the sun.
Note: You may invade the homes of human red licorice and infect humans, causing "them skin reactions difficult.
Nmoz feathers Mallophages:
Symptoms: agitation bathroom and injury feathers, and influenced by the form of aviation.
Treatment: Bath insecticide, you must complete immersion birds for more than (60) seconds until full hydration feathers. And can be washed with the head and neck Balisvenjp. And must be A, the temperature is appropriate (warm) and the bathroom must be returned after two weeks. The addition of the water is not suitable due to "drink toilet water from swimming pools. The insecticides in the form of powder are the same except that the effect of long-fogging the entire bird is considered" difficult. "
Strips of insecticides are effective only fears that increasing the dose.
Prevention: The periodic inspection must be for the birds and start examining the nests and nest material must be cleaned and periodic cleaning of the land and cages.
Sus skin cnemidocoptes laevis:
Symptoms: birds lose their comfort, and you click the feathers, and start losing feathers ranging from "Almqdhirp and as a result of the ongoing itchy head be empty," of feathers and scaly. "
Treatment: spray or a bath for birds nets, re-treatment several times every two weeks, and must clean the surrounding environment.

Sus leg (Cnemidocoptes mutans):
Symptoms: The Emergence of the legs scaly and thick. Clicks the bathroom so that the affected leg turn into serious injuries.
Treatment: Treatment of infected leg solvents Oobboukhakhat insecticide. Treatment and returned after two weeks. Covered leg day, "and for (10) days rainfall oil or petroleum jelly. And may not be used irritating oils.
Prevention: regular cleaning of the floor and cages.
Sus feathers:
Symptoms: acute non-fluffy feathers and break down easily and feathers of birds and spend time, "long" in the Ttmir itself.
Treatment: treatment is also in Sousse feathers by solvents or spray insecticides. Processing returned several times two weeks interval.
Prevention: Periodic cleaning of the land and cages. Remove the feathers and Almottagcef.

Symptoms: anemia and decline in the overall situation as a result of absorption of blood. And in severe cases to avoid the bathroom and his homes Oachach.
Treatment: place as solvents in feather mites and spray insecticide. Returned several times two weeks interval.
Prevention: Periodic cleaning of the land and cages, and you must remove the feathers of the injured.

Bugs (Cimex):
Symptoms: anemia and lost in the overall situation as a result of sucking blood. Bites of the bugs go away, but spills edematous.
Treatment: treatment is also in SUSE feathers by solvents or spray insecticide. Cracks must be addressed and the whereabouts of bugs on the walls and floor and Mangers must be addressed homes struck Babak fully cleaned and restored after treatment several times two weeks interval.
Prevention: public health matters.
Tick (Argas):
Symptoms: anemia, with the loss in the overall situation as a result of sucking ticks and larvae of blood. And leaves the tick Antbarat.
Treatment: treatment is also in Sousse feathers solvents and spray insecticide. And must address the birds and the environment.
Prevention: public health measures with a stone new birds.

Viral diseases
Virus infection peer mucous Paramyxo-infection:
Symptoms: The incubation period (3-10) days and noted glaucoma water caused by increased secretion of fluid Polyuria with paralysis of the lists resulting from kidney swelling and pressure on the nerves of the lists. It also notes the symptoms of central nervous after (10-12) days to appear.
Treatment: None.
Prevention: Vaccination killed vaccine under the skin and added to Adjuvant
(Newcastle vaccine every six months, vaccine-peer mucous special bath every 12 months).
Fertilization is done under the skin in the areas of a bottom of the neck. And if the vaccination area close to the head, it may appear a strong reaction. No good to vaccination by drinking water in the bathroom.
Chicken pox:
Symptoms / Pathogenicity: The incubation period (4-14) days, "where the typical symptoms of smallpox, especially" on the skin of the eye and nose free of feathers. And is considered a mucous membrane (Figure Aldvtiri) are less frequent. "Rarely" What is happening Cutaneous own so-called Milanm smallpox and is a small black growths appear on the skin in specific areas, especially "on the wing and body.
Treatment: There is no specific treatment, and birds must be isolated with the given adequate nutrition, antibiotics and protective of secondary infections, as well as take a forced vaccination for all birds that appear healthy.
Prevention: vaccination in the intradermal vaccine neighborhood where off (7-9) blades of the inner thigh and brush cover the vaccine harsh. And is done to control the disease through (6-8) days after vaccination usually once a year.
Herpes virus infection bathroom (disease Smadl)
(Smadel, s infection) Pigeon herpes virus infection
Symptoms / Pathogenicity: The incubation period (5-7) days and is often "get the bathroom of age (4-10) weeks. Symptoms appear in the form of anorexia Anorexia and weakness, diarrhea and thirst. And die proportion (1-15%) of birds The young birds in the older notes hath Ijhadi while death does not occur.
Treatment: There is no specific treatment must be isolated birds and to provide appropriate nutrition to them.
Prevention: There is no vaccine for the disease, and should be a separation between the early-bird young and elderly.
Bacterial diseases
Parrot disease (ornithosis):
Symptoms / Pathogenicity: The incubation period (8-15) days "and the disease is either severe," or chronic "in the young bird with the decline of the general situation and the actions of anorexia and death, to the fluffy feathers, diarrhea and conjunctivitis.
In older birds Vicu disease is either hidden or under my bed and have a high loss "Very."
Treatment: Balttrascalin (100 with / kg body weight) over more than 25 days or injected with infected birds Baldoxacelin Doxycyclin (60-75 with / kg body weight) every five days over more than 25 days "and isolate the infected birds and provide feed appropriate to them.
Prevention: There is no effective vaccine, and should separate the sick birds, and her lap with the conditions of good health and may not send the patient to the bathroom or places of exhibition race

Cold Coryza:
Symptoms / Pathogenicity: Recommend tired and breathing with the decline in the overall situation and the losses are usually low.
Treatment: erythromycin, Sbktinomaysin, Altailozin and especially "if the suspect was Balmikoppelasma.
Prevention: As in the case of the parrot disease where there is no effective vaccine, and should the early separation of the sick birds, with good hygienic conditions, and no infected birds may be sent to the exhibitions and tours of the race.

Disease Salmonella Salmonellosis:
Symptoms / pathogenicity: Salmonella usually affects the shelves of poor health standards, where immune mechanisms are subject to constant stress. The incubation period varies according to "clinical cases where it can be seen several forms of the disease:
1. Hidden Figure: no note here any symptoms of Salmonella and is thrown with eggs.
2. Severe form / septicemia: and regularly observed in young birds when less than six weeks of age. Mortality occurs within a few days where it was noted before severe thirst, and diarrhea, green, and retreat
3. Figure tract: diarrhea, where it notes only.
4. Figure Hinge: and be limited to "in the wing and especially" the elbow joint.
5. Figure central nervous system: a coup head.
Treatment: must be slaughtered and infected animals, while treatment is up to participate the following:
Chloramphenicol given by injection or drinking water. And it is said that effective Albenzil (200 ppm / 10 days) or injected birds Baldoksysklin Doxycyclin)) (60-75 with / kg body weight) every five days over 15 days. Isolate animals.
Prevention: There is no effective vaccine, and should separate the sick birds and quarantine procedure. Action with good health. And may not be sent birds to exhibitions or markets. While ensuring adequate nutrition and regular cleaning of the land and Mangers and stripes and other

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