
Selasa, 06 April 2010

The Causes of Vaginal Flora Imbalance

What Is A Vaginal Flora ?
We live with both "good" and "bad" bacteria within our vagina. Many strains of these bacteria co-exist and live in harmony and balance the system. Their presence does not mean the vagina is dirty or infected or any kind of poor hygiene. Your body normally plays hosts to thousands of good and bad organisms but trouble can begin when our immune system is compromised and the bacteria begins to abnormally grow out of control.
The vaginal flora consists of the Lactobacillus bacteria that keep the acidic value or ph levels balanced in our vagina. The vagina is normally healthy and balanced and it's our natural defense system against infections. Our vagina produces a disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide, which joins with chlorine, a chemical produced in the cervical mucus. These chemicals together form a defense to ensure the normal growing bacteria remains in control.
An imbalance in our vaginal flora disrupts our defense systems and lowers the gate for the bad bacteria to take over and replicate. Before you know it, we're suffering with bacterial vaginosis. A lot of focus has been centered on a primary organism by the name of Gardnerella. This organism is one of many that is found within the vaginal flora however something triggers it to grow out of control; it is always found to be present more than 100 times the normal rate in women with Bacterial Vaginosis.

The Causes of Vaginal Flora Imbalance
What causes a loss of Lactobacillus so that our bacteria begin this overgrowth? It hasn't been pinpointed just yet but scientists have clues of certain triggers.
If we lived in a perfect unspoiled world there would never be any toxins or chemicals that might impact our bodies but were exposed everyday to bleaching agents, synthetic chemicals, solvents and food additives that disturb our internal cycles. Just think of the assault we put our bodies under with the chemicals found in soaps, lotions, sprays and gels. And many times our vaginal flora can bear the burden of these toxins.
Concrete evidence shows that a healthy vaginal eco-system depends upon the vaginal flora being colonized by the good bacteria Lactobacillum. An imbalance in vaginal flora decreases the efficiency and can cause bacterial vaginosis. It's also been proven that by adding Lactobacillum to your diet a woman can decrease the chances of any disruption to the vaginal flora and avoid BV.

Is this guaranteed?
No, but any woman who has suffered the reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis understands that any reduction to avoid reoccurrence is worth the effort.

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