
Kamis, 08 April 2010

Campaign To Protect Fauna

It aims to inform us about winter life in the mountain, and to make us aware that we can be a threat to the fauna. Exploring the mountains in winter can be fun and exciting, but it is vital to remember that the wildlife are already weakened by the cold, the wind, the snow and the lack of food. Any disturbance of this fragile ecosystem can have disastrous effects.
The Ecrins National Park signed an ethics chart in 1998/99 with the mountain leader's association. It aimed at making these professionals aware of the problems with over-exploiting the winter environment. It also stressed the need to use binoculars for observing animals in wintertime. High-risk hibernation areas were highlighted and more generally safer ways for the frozen environment to be admired were suggested.
This initiative was based on the statement by writer and artist, Samivel;
"From now on birds, marmots, ermines, chamois, ibex and all the little people with fur and feathers will need your friendship in order to survive. Have peace declared with shy animals. Do not worry them in their activities so that future springs will still enchant your children."
The 'Chuuut...' campaign is simply the extension of this call for respect to include the public as well.
Winter amplifies the wild aspect of the mountain. While animals use up more energy for moving, keeping their body temperature and fighting the weather, vegetation is scarce and low in nutritional value. The animals survive on body fat and energy-saving ways of life. Despite their adaptability, many die during winter. Even the hardiest ones, like the chamois, lose up to a third of their body weight.

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