
Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Euphorbia milii Sebagai Tanaman Hias dan Obat

Euphorbia milii is one of 2000 species of other species of the genus Euphorbia. native species named E. varieties milii splendens / E.splendens. These varieties grow slightly spread (scrambing), has seludang interest (cyathia) red size 1 cm and yellow true flowers. E. splendens can grow to 60-240 cm. than E. splendens red blossoms, there are also yellow varieties lutea which is shorter than the size of a red flower. Today the plant breeding has developed many E.milii. One of the developing countries E. milii so far is Thailand. Apart from Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia also have started to cultivate E. milli. In Indonesia, this Euphorbia Ferns known as studs.
E. milii have a genetic trait that is not stable because they have some control properties chromosomes. From the same parent will produce many varieties of new varieties. Purification descent takes to get a Relatively stable trait, both in terms of morphology, productivity, and resistance to pests and disease.
Although able to grow tropical and Subtropical Region, preferring E.milii hot temperatures and full exposure, resulting in less advanced developing countries subtropical. Nordic, E. Milii classified in poisonous plants (poisson plant), because the milk sap (exudate) from the plant if the blood coagulation can to spur abnormal cell growth

E.milii is also used as an ornamental plant, is also efficacious as a medicine. The medicine made from the E.milii include:

1. Uterine bleeding 
Flower bud as much as 10-15 with 50 grams of boiled beef without fat. Snacks can be eaten as soup.
2. Hepatitis
Tops fresh stems (9-15 g), thinly sliced and boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. The cooking water can be drunk with honey.
3.  Burns
Leaves and Stems boiled with water to boiling, when used as cold compresses.
4. Boils
Stems thinly sliced and baked and attached to a boil.

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