
Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Adenium Ornamental Plants

Adenium or Cambodia Japan (Japanese frangipani own name is misleading, because it can be identified with frangipani, are mostly found in the area of the cemetery. The frills Japanese words as if the flowers are from Japan, but Adenium came from West Asia and Africa) were from the dry desert, from the west to the mainland asia afrika. It's called there is a Desert Roses (desert rose). Because it comes from the dry regions, these plants prefer dry conditions than the media is too wet. Referred to as adenium, because one of the places of origin is the area adenium Aden (capital of Yemen).
Indonesian society as a frangipani named adenium Japan, may be associated with circulating stereotypes. For example the fruits of so-called Bangkok, while the plants are small so-called Japanese, so if there is a long time ago already Cambodia's higher figure large plants, the plants so there is a small figure but similar frangipani, frangipani is called as Japan.

Actually is kind of Plumeria frangipani, distant relatives of Adenium. Some of the differences between the Plumeria Adenium is as follows:

- Adenium large trunked with tubers resembling the bottom, but a small figure of the plant's own with a small leaf length. Adenium roots can also grow like tubers.
- Plumeria small trunked bulbs lengthwise without form, with the figure of a large plant and can grow tall, with long leaf shape and large.

Enlarged roots adenium like corm is a place to store water as a backup in times of drought. This enlarged roots when raised above the ground will form a unique impression as bonsai. While not soft woody stems (also known as succulent), but can be enlarged.
Side shoots can grow from the eyes or buds on the stems of fallen leaves marks. Eye side shoots will be functioning (grow) when the shoots of cut plants. This is what people do when cut, to get a new leaf and that interest will appear later more in unison.
There adenium leaf variety, form oval, pointed, small and large, and some fluffy, some are without fur. While adenium flowers shaped like a trumpet, valvate 5, with a variety of colors according to the types (varieties) each.
There adenium 2 groups, ie groups of species (native species), and Variety (type of marriage and crosses by man to seek new forms). Some native species Adenium Arabicum adenium example, characteristic of short and large bulbs, with many stems arising from the stump it. Colored flowers and pink and white blend, a small (Petal diameter is less than 5 cm). Adenium obesum, characteristic of a large hump and slightly elongated upwards, single stem grows above the bulb, appears above the branching stems. Colored flowers of red and white blend, large flowered (more than 5 cm). The types of species other adenium Socotranum Adenium, Adenium swazicum, somalense Adenium, Adenium bohemianum.

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