
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Deadly animals that do not want to see on your vacation

Usually, when people go on vacation, is to see something new. You can travel on a specific target for its natural beauty, stunning, or you can find inspiration in Synthetic designs, such as the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It may be a cultural experience you're looking for, then direct you to the museums and galleries. Or you can see animals in their natural habitat, either under water or on land. Many countries earn their status as tourist attractions, just because the opportunity to take wild animals and a municipality with nature. Precautions to help ensure the safety of all and there is never a real danger of physical contact with a hungry lion or elephant angry. However, there are cases that can protect guide and expedition leader, not when swimming in the sea, for example, or casually leaning against the trunk of a tree. Depending on where you are in the world, these simple measures devastating consequences.

South America is known for the hospitality of its people and its natural beauty. It is also known for its piranhas, which were so dramatic in the original movie shows James Bond, Dr. No. In terms of risk is known that fish is surmounted by a humble caterpillar. name is a group of moths Lonomia to find in the continent, especially in southern Brazil. The moths are not dangerous at all, is its title, the need to monitor. They are furry little things that are perfectly in the trees they inhabit. Its venom is a potent anticoagulant that failure internal bleeding, kidney and cause rupture of red blood cells. People die every year simply touching a tree in which they live, or is accidentally pressed against him.

Now travel to Australia, where the majority of the most toxic of all living beings, except perhaps the title. The jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp, are mainly based on the waters around northern Australia and Southeast Asia. It is widely considered the most dangerous animal. A single box jellyfish has enough venom to kill 60 adults in less than three minutes. Like most mortals merges with its environment, it is virtually impossible to detect before it is too late. Their venom is in its tentacles, which are up to 3 meters long. Contain stinging cells that respond to the release of pressure and chemicals. The pain of the sting is said to be so horrible that even if the victim is unconscious from the pain, blood can shake your eardrums cry. The poison is slow in the nervous system and heart attack.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

People are animals, but animals are not human

There seems to be a lack of understanding and more than a few misconceptions about the target animals. This article addresses some of these misunderstandings and services, we must do if we want to prevent deaths and animal attacks. The problem seems to be our misconceptions that animals are driven by emotions rather than pure survival instinct. This leads to an attack from one animal to the human emotion of anger or revenge attribute. I know that not all people take these misunderstandings, which is measured. What I mean is that most people simply on the basis of the evidence. The evidence I refer to include television programs on Discovery, Animal Planet, TNT, etc. It also includes media and academia, even. Again, some programs are more guilty than others, but the margin of error from the smallest to the absurd.

The most important point to take the reader of this note, is that animals are animals that are driven by basic instincts needed to survive. You do not feel anger, jealousy, love, revenge, or the plot. Although some animals may contain the ability of these feelings, I doubt that these senses are highly developed and motivated by our own opinion. Thus, in an attempt to assign human emotions to animals motivations, we make a stupid mistake. Just try to look at the situation from the perspective of the animal. This should not be difficult, because we have the ability to reason to have. I just try to return to a mindset that there was, as we rubbed sticks and was based on cave walls. Green is as guilty as the hunter. If a nature lover is brutally attacked by an animal to survive and are usually the statement. "I knew what he was doing" That is not true. The animal knew what he was doing. They should also make the claim that not to do in this situation. This statement is actually true, to some extent. If we enter the desert you can not expect not to be attacked by a wild animal. What we expect is that there is a possibility and we must accept responsibility for this, if we go into the forest anyway.

Animals are threatened natural lands for the construction of houses, shops and other activities to bring people in fields where animals used for transport. Their territory is shrinking. So if we go into the forest, it is our responsibility. If a person in the woods for any reason, and is used by an animal, for whatever reason, is attacked by his fault. Why? Because they know that in his mind, that's a possibility. If you're in the woods with their children and are attacked, then blame the parents. Why? Because he knew that was a possibility. You have every right to take the risk, but when and if something happens you can not blame the animals.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Top 5 Dangerous Dives

1. note of the Sea of Cortez, Eastern Pacific dangerous:: Instead of diving **** (05/04) of dangerous animals, dangerous factor Humboldt Squid: The Sea of Cortez with the Humboldt squid, which can reach 2 meters long and full of wild predators are known to attack humans. My most dangerous dive to date was just trying to capture an image of the Sea of Cortez in the voracious predators of the deep sea, large Humboldt squid. When I was in the darkness enveloped the skyline from the top of the shark cage divers and two others appeared there was, I could not help me, like: "Why the hell am floating 15 meters above the ground of 1000m high black trim at midnight .... by myself! "

2. Dive Site: note Tiger Beach, Bahamas dangerous this: *****( 5.5) dangerous animals: a factor of tiger sharks and lemon sharks Dangerous Big, big teeth, not a cage, and a lot of bait in the water. Tiger Beach is a sandbar off the coast, 30 nautical miles of the Grand Bahamas, well known for tiger sharks gather there often. After a night of initiation of the waters around our boat, the morning brought some real beauties, twelve lemon sharks 9 meters long, were accompanied by a female tiger shark and 12 meters long, was a real "bus" d a shark. Perfect. I jumped and it was not long before the bait face to face and side by side, nothing to collect. I stayed quiet and stayed quiet, was not on the menu for lunch, and time had respected their space and keeps a watchful eye on their behavior in order.

3. Dive Site: Bimini Banks, Bahamas dangerous Note: Factor of dolphins dangerous: *** (05/03) of dangerous animals big male dolphins are very protective and if they stood in front of a pulse-echo sounding gunfire thick, in which Stop the title makes me wonder. For many years, the male dolphins are known to actively kill porpoises and the cup, just for fun, so I knew that Flipper is not always Mr. Nice! I filmed a family pod of dolphins feeding in the shallow sandbanks of the crater Bimini. Dolphins swim with his head tilted to one side of the technology of sound through the sands in search of hidden knife fish and sand eels. While searching for prey, then burned it to his face (nose and mouth) with a strong tail. I was next to them and get some shots of thirty minutes, before things changed.

4. Dive Site: La Paz, Mexico dangerous notes: **** (05/04) of dangerous animals, California sea lions dangerous factor alpha male giant sea lions are very territorial. Bubble is a known sample of aggression, so when in full scuba gear and a bull in front of 800 pounds or maintain breathing or look away quick! It was while filming off the coast of Mexico, my friend and I were trapped in a male sea lion weighing 800 pounds on a piece of rope breaks. A quick review before the string is not alone when my friend Gallardo took the head of impatience with the disadvantages strong bull Pastor deep rocks. Now my friend is 200 pounds of all muscle and a former British Navy to begin with, but not surprised to read that the bare end of a piece of rope holding the first, self-set at 800 pounds in distress and anger each bull sea lion, my friend before a new sport invented underwater water-cellar! I followed the pair back into the shallow waters, where my friend was finally "free" rubbed "engraved on the rocks, and now I have a bull raging sea lion torpedoing straight for me, I almost made the way I use my left hand, access to cable moving.

5. Diving Location: Sipadan, East Malaysia, number of dangerous: ***** (5.5) of dangerous animals: crocodiles, alligators and crocodiles and alligators are really dangerous factor prehistoric creatures have survived thousands of years, based on basic instincts, the level of raw animal. The word was that tourists were a group of saltwater crocodiles seen in the seagrass beds, flat, about 30 kilometers from the coast and the mainland by a channel depth of 600 meters separated Sipadan n " never before in human history, the host was a child. Well, I was with about 500 tourists from the island for snorkeling, swimming and snorkeling in the reefs around the addition of a marine crocodile from 3 meters to the combination does not is a worldwide idea of fun. Thus, the search, which was successful. I was on the beach, explore the water with one of the architects of the season when the comic suddenly and attempted a reef heron a log floating about 300 meters offshore country. However, to the chagrin of the newspaper heron came and tried to. eat

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Dangerous animals face when she eats too fast

When it comes to the health of our pets, so that does not give people too often in many aspects, such as children. As they grow, are increasingly able to take care of themselves, but they are small, especially in the first two years of life, we must be aware of what they do and how. receive this level of care is not just for toys for pets, but mostly playing with food and eating habits of these first models to develop a long life. As newborns, the animals develop their eating habits from their mothers or caregivers. It allows only them, as well as eat to stay healthy. As animals begin weaning, they begin to take control of their own eating habits. This is true even if you change direction and solid rubber. Whether habits are formed because of competition concerns or due to problems of hunger is irrelevant. The most important thing is that animals do not eat their food too quickly, and that later may lead to all sorts of digestive problems.

Although most cats are not quite ready to swallow the food, the dogs can be very greedy at times. The problem with this type of eating style has several problems. Because the animal can often be eating too fast, they are not even aware of how much we eat and in turn have more pain than their bodies. As with humans, can lead to pain, indigestion and vomiting time physical. This means that the nutritional value of all foods to be consumed will be lost. Another problem is overweight. From eating fast rule leads to over-nutrition, more food is introduced into the system, that pets can be treated with normal exercise. And because of physical ailments and digestive disorders that can result from eating too fast, the animal is not "normal" sense anyway. This leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which the poor eating habits, along with an overweight pet.

So between weight problems, physical complaints, digestive disorders, the only question that pet owners give more incentive enough for eating habits to our pets to be followed closely and work to change. Being well fed only part of the equation that we want you to enjoy eating and feel good and content because of it.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Exotic Pet Dangers

In light of the tragic death of a coach with a murderer supposedly made to interact, it is interesting to note that this is not the first, or even the second, third, however, caused the death of this powerful animal. Though the coach realized that there is still a pretty wild animal, they were sure enough about the creature in the water with him. Although the murderer is less than a pet, this incident highlights again the dangers of interacting with exotic animals. Many people think that exotic animals as status symbols, as well as fun, exciting creatures to have around. For some reason, have always attracted to these animals, circuses and animal visitors. Moreover, although zoos may have a wonderful job in a paradise for wild animals, children may still want an exotic animal as a pet.

When comparing pets to exotic animals at home, you need to understand that people were in the process of domestication of dogs and cats for thousands of years. Puppies and kittens can be with the man in the second they are born, grow accustomed to help them adapt to the presence of humans. On the other hand, the exotic animals living in the wild for years before it was released outside their natural habitat. There are a variety of exotic animals as pets. While some people opt for Tiger to keep lions, bears and wolves for fun, non-human primates and some reptiles are as exotic pets. Some of these animals require a greater amount of habitat that can provide you with your unique garden. Still others are based on exotic foods that are in your local pet store. This may cause the animal suffering.

Exotic animals with this disease are often disturbed and dangerous. Some people choose to take their animals through processes such as claws and teeth to make them less likely to cause injury if they decide to attack. However, this may be an exotic animal even more frustrated and angry. Many people do not realize the power of exotic animals. In fact, chimpanzees have a common exotic pet, it is estimated that five times the strength of the arms of a man's man. This can cause a deadly catastrophe when they panic about a man. Shunt, the chimpanzees also strong teeth, dogs, and surf wear. Some individuals and workplaces to exotic animals as a natural habitat to maintain as possible, such as zoos and nature reserves. However, an exotic animal as a pet is very dangerous for you and your loved ones.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Stray Animal Dangers

If you find a stray dog, you can create a range of emotions. Animal lovers may want to help stray animals by instinct, while others simply to reach a potentially dangerous situation. Deviates can be carriers of dangerous diseases or contagious react aggressively out of fear. Others may be friendly and looking for a house. However, it is wise to be cautious and consider their own safety and that of others, before they even close to a pet. When you approach a stray dog, or if you get to decide in the area is important for your safety in mind. Remember that animals frightened, sick and injured can act strange fear can grunt and growl, attack, escape, or even in danger in the middle of the road. If an animal is a threat or not behaving strangely approach.

If you decide to approach the animal;

* Walk slowly towards the parasite with an outstretched hand in a fist.
* Do not leave your hand to sniff before attempting to touch it.
* If the animal still seems favorable, stroked her back or side. Do not pet on the head, they may react negatively. Do not try to pet cats in the stomach.
* Check if the parasite has a collar or tags. If so, call the animal with its owner to meet. If you have no tags on the animal shelter.
* If at any time the animal is scared or aggressive, back away slowly. Do not turn and run, and that might lead to pursue.
* Always wash hands thoroughly after touching a strange animal to avoid getting viruses and infections.
* Never approach wild animals. They are much more likely to transmit diseases such as rabies and domestic animals act unpredictably.

It is especially important for children to talk about the dangers of stray dogs and the importance of not approach the animals without caution. Children are very curious and do not understand the dangers that lost focus. But children are more vulnerable to bites and serious children attacks.Teach be kind to animals and never aggressive against them, but also teach them to be careful to protect their own safety.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

The Liability For Dangerous Dogs

This is not an exaggeration. There are dangerous dogs, and insurance companies are unwilling to cover them without adequate compensation. A dog bite can land in the hospital and if it could lead to death of rabies is also available. Therefore, if your dog is classified as hazardous, then you have serious problems. Physical damage and injuries that can cause can cause a very large claims. You are fully responsible if they bite dogs and keep them in the end someone. People who have made these dogs with their own insurance for them. That's because it is considered an unacceptable risk to the public. You are probably quite sure difficult for a dog is classified as hazardous obtained. If this is the case, then there are a number of things that could be considered as a solution to consider:

1. You may have to go for niche insurers. It could agree on dangerous dogs, but they pay a much higher price than usual for the privilege. However, you really can not afford to be without adequate insurance protection dogs. The responsibility will fall directly on his shoulders and can have serious financial implications. At the end of the day is the way to catch up on the various components that improve the overall outlook on the insurance products that are at your fingertips, work.

2. You must purchase a separate insurance for dogs, if you do not want to have it on the insurance companies more important. Again, the cost is a factor, but that's what comes with the territory when dangerous dogs or dogs that have been designated under this category to decide. The separate insurance can bring clarity to the things that makes sure you do not have any ambiguity in roofing systems.

3. If all else fails, then you should seriously consider giving the dog in an animal shelter. There is no way to sustain is not assured. Insurance cost can be prohibitive, but if you can not give a blanket, then the law is not favorable to their cause. You will be personally liable and your property even can happen again with the dog.

4. Make sure that lawyers are familiar with your situation, if you have to defend themselves in court. In most cases, prosecutors urge you to purchase insurance that is available. This is true even if your dog is already known as a dangerous animal. Or suspension is necessary to ensure proper insurance. The government should get the belt even more difficult for dangerous dogs emotions to the stage. Must be absolutely prepared.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Tips to Become an Animal Control Worker

What do you know about workers' control over the animals? These are people who help abused, lost, abandoned and neglected animals for work. They also are responsible for these animals. The examination of each animal abuse reports and more dangerous animals. If you love animals, you might want some of these people. Therefore, the following tips will help.

1st tips
It is necessary in animal control or animal shelter volunteer. In this case, you should do if you are still young, for example, if you're in school or college. You'll see, will be very useful if you want to be some control animals hikers. As a volunteer in the village will take care of animals and love to her all my heart.

2nd tips
Once you have your high school may continue their studies at the University, with a giant in the criminal justice system. This will give you the knowledge of justice, you need to work. However, be sure to take some courses in animal science. This is because their goal is to manage the animals. After high school, which can become a certified peace officer.

3rd tips
When you do your training on the job, as you can park rangers, managers or operating a kennel keeper. This type of work for you the experience of being ready when you need to work more with animals.

4th tips
Check the laws and regulations relating to animals to make one important thing. Make sure you know how to control animals, all laws and regulations prior to application of the workers. Also need training, which is in the hands of their state.

5th tips When the interview, make sure you see your experience as a volunteer. It should also state your education and experience. You will notice that the laws of the animals have learned before we will be very useful. Finally, after the interview, you will get the job that animal control workers.