
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Deadly animals that do not want to see on your vacation

Usually, when people go on vacation, is to see something new. You can travel on a specific target for its natural beauty, stunning, or you can find inspiration in Synthetic designs, such as the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It may be a cultural experience you're looking for, then direct you to the museums and galleries. Or you can see animals in their natural habitat, either under water or on land. Many countries earn their status as tourist attractions, just because the opportunity to take wild animals and a municipality with nature. Precautions to help ensure the safety of all and there is never a real danger of physical contact with a hungry lion or elephant angry. However, there are cases that can protect guide and expedition leader, not when swimming in the sea, for example, or casually leaning against the trunk of a tree. Depending on where you are in the world, these simple measures devastating consequences.

South America is known for the hospitality of its people and its natural beauty. It is also known for its piranhas, which were so dramatic in the original movie shows James Bond, Dr. No. In terms of risk is known that fish is surmounted by a humble caterpillar. name is a group of moths Lonomia to find in the continent, especially in southern Brazil. The moths are not dangerous at all, is its title, the need to monitor. They are furry little things that are perfectly in the trees they inhabit. Its venom is a potent anticoagulant that failure internal bleeding, kidney and cause rupture of red blood cells. People die every year simply touching a tree in which they live, or is accidentally pressed against him.

Now travel to Australia, where the majority of the most toxic of all living beings, except perhaps the title. The jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp, are mainly based on the waters around northern Australia and Southeast Asia. It is widely considered the most dangerous animal. A single box jellyfish has enough venom to kill 60 adults in less than three minutes. Like most mortals merges with its environment, it is virtually impossible to detect before it is too late. Their venom is in its tentacles, which are up to 3 meters long. Contain stinging cells that respond to the release of pressure and chemicals. The pain of the sting is said to be so horrible that even if the victim is unconscious from the pain, blood can shake your eardrums cry. The poison is slow in the nervous system and heart attack.

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