
Senin, 28 Maret 2011

The Diverse Flora and Fauna of Paraguay

Paraguay can be considered as a least developed country compared to its neighbors in Latin America, but there is no lack of diversity of flora and fauna. This small country is in fact home to 40 protected areas for wildlife, including teachers of the National Park Chaco, Guarani Timan Inmakata Laguna Reserve, Black River National Park and Forest Reserve Mbaracayú.
The flora of Paraguay reflects the diversity of the history of their regions and subregions. In the Chaco, for example, the forests of northeast sub-tropical savanna in the southeast and the thorny vegetation that prevails in the West. The vegetation is concentrated on the plateau of Paraná by heavy rainfall throughout the year. There are about 500 species of deciduous trees that grow in Paraguay, such as eucalyptus, cedar, Lapacho, urunday, Santa Lucia and drugs Morot Yerba Mate. Conifers are rare, but fruits and Pindus, palm or coconut oil Mbocaya the Aguai, the Inga and guava are rich in Paraguay.
As for the fauna, home to the country, a number of endangered animals like ducks Jaguar maned wolf, tapir, white lipped peccary, the sawtooth Fulco de Chile, and a necklace of anteater . Recent data indicate that more than 200 fish species, 645 bird species, 80 are endemic in Paraguay and 167 species of mammals, some of which are rare in South America. Some endemic bird species seen, including the harpy eagle, the blue macaw, Black Piping-Guan, calendar and Paujil face with the face uncovered.

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

The Ecrins National Park

Make a lot of noise to silence
This is the paradox that in the last year at the beginning of the winter campaign of the National Parks out "Uh ..." (Silence). He tried to warn us about the life of winter in the mountains, and make us aware that we are a threat to wildlife. Exploring the mountains in winter can be fun and exciting, but it is important to remember that wild animals are already weakened by cold, wind, snow and lack of food. Any alteration of this fragile ecosystem can be devastating. Ecrins National Park signed an ethics board in 1998/99 with the club leader Berg. Their goal, these professionals know the problems with excessive use of winter environment. He stressed the need to use binoculars to observe animals in winter. wintering areas have been identified with high risk and resources are frozen generally safer for the environment, the proposal to be admired.
This initiative was based on the testimony of the writer and artist, Samuel;
"From now on, birds, marmots, stoats, chamois, ibex and all those people with skin and feathers need your friendship to survive. The peace with the shy animals. Do not worry about its activities so that future sources still love their children more. "
The "Um ..."- campaign is simply an extension of this resource in relation to public participation. Winter joins the wild mountains. Although the animals to move more energy to maintain body temperature and the fight against time, the sparse vegetation and low nutritional value. Animals live in body fat and the means of saving lives. Despite their resilience, many die during the winter. Even small bolder, such as cloth, lose up to one third of their body weight.
Just as man is a danger of weakening the population?
Simply by a snowball effect. Bernard Christol, Local Park Manager, said:
"An animal that is having problems in their winter habitat under stress, heart rate rises to escape, in fact, and thus consume additional energy. Leaves change their winter retreat, diet, exposure to predators and at the end of competition for food with other species. weak, thin, stress or trauma, is more susceptible to disease, parasites and predators and the risk of death is multiplied by ten. "
Obviously, the ongoing disorder is very dangerous for animals. Of course, nobody wants to restrict access to the mountain in winter. Nobody wants to use some other judge who was. Inform, educate, to respect, share, and - that's all there is to do.
A few simple rules:
• Leave your dog at home
• Observe animals from a distance,
• Shooting from a distance,
• Be the go into the winter landscape is also the habitat of wild animals known.
The park has printed posters and leaflets to highlight this problem. Contain basic guidelines on the mountain and hopefully help us to rethink our relationship with nature and what comes out.

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Find a great variety of flora and fauna?

Biodiversity in Indonesia is well seen on its rich and unique ecosystems. Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, consisting more than 17,508 islands stretching 5,000 km (3,200 miles) from Sabang (northern tip of Sumatra) to Merauke (Papua), is divided into three main geological groups:
• The Sunda Islands:

1. The Greater Sunda Islands are composed of Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Sulawesi.
2. The Lesser Sunda Islands are composed of a chain of smaller islands east of Java, from Bali to Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores and Timor. Known as Nusa Tenggara, they are divided into West Nusa Tenggara, composed of Bali and Lombok, and East Nusa Tenggara, stretching from Sumbawa to Timor.

• The Moluccas or the Maluku islands
• The Western New Guinea and Aru Islands
These geological groups have its own distinct flora and fauna in accordance to the Wallace Line, named after the British naturalist Alfred Wallace in his voyage through the Malay Archipelago. The Wallace Line divides Indonesia into two distinct flora and fauna zones, a western, Asian ecological zone and an eastern, Australian zone. The Greater Sunda Islands, including Bali, are closely related to the Asian ecological zone. Once linked to the Asian mainland, this zone offers large Asian animals, such as elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutan and the dense tropical rainforests of Asia. Mainly found in Sumatra, here you will be able to find the world's largest flower, "Raffflesia arnoldii", named after Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the founder of Singapore. Its diameter can reach up to a meter and can weigh up to 10 kg.
Visiting this zone, Sumatra and Borneo, will provide you with a chance to see the "Orangutan" (man of the forest). The two "Orangutan" rehabilitation centers in Bohorok, North Sumatra and Tanjung Putting National Park, Central Kalimantan, present the opportunity to see these primates in their natural settings. Contrary to the lush tropical rainforest and big animals of the western Wallace Line, Australian zone of Western New Guinea, Aru Islands, the Maluku islands, Lesser Sunda and Sulawesi have distinctive flora and fauna. Western New Guinea and Aru islands were once part of the Australian mainland and are the only places in Indonesia to have marsupial mice, kangaroos and Australian reptiles. Western New Guinea is a Garden of Eden for bird watching enthusiast. With more than 600 species of bird, especially the famous cassowary, you are guaranteed to fulfill your bird watching passion. The Maluku islands, Lesser Sunda and Sulawesi have long been isolated between the two landmasses. Perhaps the Babi Rusa and Anoa, native species of Indonesia, are the two most distinctive animals that you would see in Sulawesi. If it's diversity in flora and fauna that you seek, Indonesia offers unlimited excitement. You will feel amazed to see what you can experience in just this one magnificent country, Indonesia.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Dr Floras Colon Cleanse Review

Dr. Floras colon cleanse is one of the most talked about points cleanse product on the market. As one who intestinal cleaning and decontamination practices for several years, I am inquisitive by nature. Mr. Flora proposes a series of products of detoxification and colon cleansing to alleviate the problems associated:
o Headaches
o Constipation
o Gas/Bloating
o Weight Gain
o Irritable Bowel Syndrome
o Skin Problems
o Allergy Symptoms
In Dr Flora Colon Clean
I bought a bottle to see Dr. Flora colon clean, how far it is clear my bowel. I have sometimes suffer from constipation, so have a good bowel cleansing is a must for me to relieve symptoms. I have seen the bowel cleaning cycle of 15 days and this is what happened ...
Day 1 - In the morning I packed a tablespoon mixed in a glass of fruit juice. Alone, it tastes a bit bland, if the juices and makes it covers much better. Compared with many other products I have, very easily fall without Dr. aftertaste flora.
Day 06/02 - I sat under the program, except maybe once or twice when I slipped, but no big deal. After Day 6, I noticed a mucous patch ill find my stool. Raw, but in reality, a good indication that this product is not what - "he said clean the colon.
15th - After 15 days the product, I noticed a significant improvement to how I felt and saw. I lost a total about 8.7 pounds (much of the weight of water and compressed shell), which is a strong amount of weight loss. In addition I have done wrong to my body.
Dr. Flores, all the products you need to maximize your colon clean from the start. I had an enriching and safe to use as many others, and recommend it to all.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

What is Intestinal Flora and What's it Good For?

What the intestinal flora? Although it may seem something is wrong, it's actually very good for the body and is necessary for good colon health. The intestinal flora are microorganisms that grow and thrive in the intestines, of course. There is no need to live and work for the people and, but have a number of things good for the people living inside. What is? Made a number of useful things, including keeping harmful bacteria and control, prevention of disease.
A newborn is usually one of the settlers, is sterile. The child receives their intestinal flora at birth and shortly afterwards, such as bacteria from the mother and the environment colonize the intestines of the child. Immediately after birth vaginally, from babies strains of bacteria in the upper gastrointestinal tract of the mother.
When a baby by caesarean section, he or she may be exposed the bacteria from his mother as well, but is more likely to receive from the environment. Other bacteria are bacteria in the oral cavity and skin are easily transferred from mother to child through breastfeeding, kissing, fondling y. One of the best ways of a balanced intestinal flora is Colon Cleanse 2-4 times a year. This will eliminate all harmful bacteria and a variety of other positive effects, including weight loss, increased energy prices and a risk of death from diseases like colon cancer. To check what you need for a colon cleansing oral use, unlike the two discharge points, or you can use together.

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Good Digestive Flora and Your Health

We all know that we are living through diet, but in the electromagnetic energy emanating from the food in the process of digestion. Therefore, the foundation of our digestive health. Poor digestion means starting the energy poor, so poor health. In case of poor digestion, there are two main suspects. Stomach acid is low, and the lack of good intestinal flora is the other.

What is good intestinal flora?
Good intestinal flora or probiotic bacteria, or probiotics are friendly bacteria in our intestines only. Although not completely understood how these tiny organisms complete works, which are undoubtedly good for you man. Intestinal flora Good digestion is better, has a preventive role and supports the immune system is of crucial importance for the production of enzymes and vitamins, and prevent bad bacteria and Candida yeast, as in a hotel, etc.

What is killing a good intestinal flora?
Simple. What we eat and what we drink. Good intestinal flora is unbalanced and very easily destroyed by the nitrate and nitrite from pesticides, chlorine and fluoride from the outdoor faucet, heavy metals like mercury, cadmium and lead, with antibiotics in particular.

What foods contain probiotics?
Foods such as yogurt, kefir, fermented soy products like miso and tempeh, fermented milk (whey), some cheese and nutritional supplements in capsules, powders and sprays. Most probiotics belong to two groups, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. The different species within each group, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus. Within species there are different bacterial strains.

How do I take?
There two ways to improve probiotics right. To start in the intestine and colonization, probiotics must pass through the stomach acid barrier. empty stomach pH 1-2. This acid kill probiotics. Therefore, immediately after a meal when the stomach is most affected. The other way is before meals on an empty stomach. 8-ounce glass of water first to wash the stomach acid and then take probiotics. It is best to take probiotics with a glass of low fat milk. Probiotics such as skim milk and eating fiber, to give them too much fiber.

Who should take probiotics?
Honestly, there is hardly a person who should not. If your good intestinal flora is not complete by the frequent use of antibiotics added, must not affect in any way, which is partially reduced, it must be renewed. In addition, you may already suffer from various health problems or stomach, and you can not even aware that the lack of good intestinal flora might be the reason. Ultimately, if you include one of these groups, you only need to achieve greater energy production through better digestion.