
Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Thousands of pets missing at the moment

Summer may be pets business population. Cats falling from windows and balconies, and leave the dogs ran away. Turtles scamper away. Incontinence in addition to the summer peak hours are weekends and holidays. Karkaamismääriä illustrated by the fact that, for example site over the past year more than 6000 published notice. Karkureissulta returnees are not even included in that chapter. Most of this was her missing, the remaining salvaged janäköhavainnoista. Most of the runaway dogs can be found in a few days. Cats staying longer missing. Also domesticated birds, ferrets and turtles are difficult to find. Perhaps the hardest is to find a stolen dog. Dog thieves have come year after year feeling daring.

Escape prevention

Keeping open a dog, bear in mind to avoid situations and places where the escape is a major risk. When the dog goes to the treatment or a new home, escape incidents multiply. Left alone the dog escaping our yard. Even the elderly "will never escape carpet 'dog can get dementia and leave the scene hortoilemaan.
- Owner may rely too much on the fact that the source of the dog from the yard or the smell after jogging in the forest. Karkailualttiin dog's case is not worth the risk, "says Hannele Mäkinen Finland's Found Animal Assist.
- The dog should teach something pleasing unto the entry way. Alternating even taste a piece of administration and pats and praise the dog. Then when the dog escapes, it will be easier to recover. Cats jailbreak ikkunoissta and the balcony is a summer fad. Mäkinen says that he is luottaa.automaattisiin ikkunansäätimiin which is the most common ventilation windows. They are deceiving the vulnerable.
- We have a window screws, which has been pulled wire handle of the window so that cats may be tucked his head in the slot. Balcony supports väsätä isosilmäinen area network, either between the glass panes or the entire balcony.
- It does not help either rely on the sustainability of mosquito nets.

Discovery of her missing to the zoo
Dog and cat visual loss and the findings indicate the municipality of discovery to the zoo. The dog will also be informed to the police, especially if it is stolen. In some areas, having also the 112 number in the dog notices. Katoamistieto should also put online. Internet unless there is at hand, Finland may numerotiedustelusta Discovery Animal Aid advice number (046-6645059), which provides guidance search site

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