
Selasa, 23 November 2010

Transmitter works for endangered species such as IUD

Twelve female godwits in May last year had a small transmitter built, could therefore not lay eggs. The threatened grassland birds did have sex, but the transmitter was working inadvertently as a spiral. Theunis Piersma study that says the University of Groningen (RUG) in response to a post on this in the NRC Handelsblad.
Migration route
Scientists from the University brought in a total of fifteen godwits small radios inside. They would thus learn more about the exact migration route of birds. The creatures have their breeding grounds in Friesland and make treks to southern Europe and Asia.
Although the survey yielded a wealth of information was very disappointed when it turned out that no female has bred success, says Piersma. "For us as researchers was terrible. Godwits have before us a very cuddly, so you want them in any way hinder their development."

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