
Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Watch your pets in the heat!

Large temperature fluctuations cause stress response, which operates like any other stress that is weakening the immune system and thus a higher susceptibility to infection. Remember that not all animals have sweat glands and therefore no one can see the sweaty dog or pig. But that some animals do not sweat, it does not suffer from sunburn or sunstroke.
Termoreguluje dog so that the reptilian tongue, and breathing rapidly. The faster you breathe, the more efficiently cools down. A cat in heat reduces its activity and procumbent and looks shady places. Poultry behaves similarly seek shade and natřásá feathers, to allow better cooling of the skin. In the event of overheating the birds beak přiotevřený, difficult breathing and lethargic. Conversely, the horse is able to perspire and so nicely it should be after work or after driving vyvěchtovat dry straw.
Every owner should have good knowledge of its manifestations and behavior of the animal and should be ready for such extreme conditions, such as the current summer heat wave. If the animals are done in the apartment, it is good to draw the curtains, especially if the apartment is located south, west or overtly. Leave přiotevřené window and always have animals available for drinking.

In short, the hot days, it is necessary to monitor the animals that suffer from heat. Always be kept secure access to water animals. Stables and ventilate the sheds, in which poultry to see how air conditioning works in case of power failure to provide an alternative source!
First aid for animals overheating: place them in the shade, at rest, is fed by fresh water, livestock skrápět, home to wash feet, and if necessary to see a veterinarian.
State veterinary supervision authorities are currently paying increased attention to controls livestock sector, whether it is well cared for. So far we have not seen any serious problems.

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