
Senin, 06 September 2010


 Subject to the Republic of Armenia is facing socio-economic serious challenges, highlighting the great city of Yerevan budget and progressive community budget imperative conditions for stocking, at the same time guided by domestic animal health care and proper organization of the national importance of the awareness program, we recommend to immediately pass a law on Yerevan pets keep the petturki about the adoption of this law, not only legislatively regulate domestic animals, storage process and thus contribute to the latter's rights, but also for the Republic of Armenia will provide a worthy place among the civilized countries and so.

Pet petturki law on the (draft)
Hodv. 1. Administrative territory of Yerevan City Pet hold taxable activity.
Hodv. 2. Pets are considered.
a. Dogs (regardless of the latter type, size and hachman intensivutyunits)
b; Katunere (regardless of the latter type, color and moral character),
c; Mice and their various modifikatsianere,
d; Havere (regardless of the latter dzvadrutyan functions) and tutaknere (regardless of the latter lingvistakan qualities),
e. Akvariumayin dzknatesaknere,
f; Virtual, khavarasernere and temporarily or anzgushutyan kept home because of other mijatnere.
Hodv. 3. Dogs for the petturki size can be determined.
a. According to physical size,
b; By pochi ears and availability,
c; Intensity of complaints by the population.
Hodv. 4. Cats for the petturki not exceed the U.S. minimum wage hngapatike.
Endowed with special sharzhunakutyamb the cat can not be the same two or more tax liabilities for the citizens of cause.
Hodv. 5. The citizens are obliged to tax within the prescribed period to submit their territorial authority held by Pet complete list, including each arandznyaki type, size, color, storage purpose and kerakratsanke (two copies).
Hodv. 6. By the citizens of Pet vrndume and / or implemented to their physical hashvehardare estimated tax base as a field experience and shrewd deduction is subject to liability, tax evasion on the law.
Hodv. 7. RA State Tax Service employees of the regional bodies have the right at any time to carry out inspections of the homes of citizens, illegally stored Pet detection and measurement purposes.
This law hodv. 2 in f) and Section animal to prevent the shadow turnover for the category defined by petturke bnaktaratski surface.
Hodv. 8. Of senior officials and / or businesses owners tiknazorneri members of petturk not apply.
Hodv. 9. Law shall enter into force upon adoption and shall be subject to ratification by the City Council within three days.
We hope to approach with understanding the National Assembly in Yerevan city budget situation and this bill will take intensive procedure.

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