
Selasa, 21 September 2010

Italian Greyhounds for Pets

Italian Greyhound known in his native land, as Picooli Levrieri Italiani. Italian Greyhound loves to run in pursuit of small game or just for fun. Current features Italian Greyhound in basically the same as the classic animal companion, even though the Italian Greyhound my sporting qualities.
Italian Greyhound is gentle, funny and clever. Avoid noisy dogs and children, when housing Italian greyhounds. Italian Greyhound often timid around strangers. When properly introduced to visitors Italian Greyhound heated quickly. Italian Greyhound has one layer of what is good and the apartment is located. As you can guess grooming requirements of Italian greyhounds fairly minimal. Italian Greyhound magical little dog beauty and beauty. Italian Greyhound comes in colors of all shades of fawn, mouse, white and red. So even in those days the Italian Greyhounds were of different colors.
As with most toy breeds, we found that they were much larger in size, the original Italian greyhounds weighed somewhere around 14 pounds. In appearance Italian Greyhound today should remind the original version just in miniature. Italian Greyhound gentle and affectionate and not quite as thin as his delicate form of the proposal. In cold weather, you need to save Italian Greyhound at home. To keep your Italian Greyhound in good physical shape he requires a lot of physical exercises. Be careful not to over feed the Italian greyhounds. Italian Greyhound should never be allowed to become "fat" in order to keep them beautiful and graceful lines of form.
A general view of Italian greyhounds that ideal elegance and beauty of form, symmetry and action. Italian Greyhound has a tail, which is quite long, generally with low traffic. One of the most popular colors of Italian greyhounds is a golden yellow color, but it comes all shades of fawn, red, mouse, blue, cream and white, black and Brindles.

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