
Senin, 27 September 2010

Brazilian Event

Country of origin: Brazil, Fila Brasileiro
Origin: comes from dogs, which the Portuguese conquerors brought to Brazil 1600th year, and they were Bulldog, Mastiff, Dog St. Hubert (bloodheund) and spaniel.
Description: Muscles and bones are strong, good body proportions. Height is 65 to 70cm. The head is large and square, strong muzzle, muzzle broad and dark; scissor bite, almond-shaped eyes, look thoughtful. The coat is short and soft; permissible uniform or flying colors, except white, which must be limited to the paws and tip of tail.
Temperament: The dog was a brave, thoughtful, impulsive, loyal lord, but distrustful of strangers.
Use: It has a very keen sense of smell and have used it to search for runaway slaves, for the preservation of livestock and property. It is hard to get used to life in the city and even then, when there is available to the yard, because we need the freedom of open space to the energy expended. Elesticno run like a cat and his gait characteristics.
Information about the breed

* The original name of Fila Brasilieiro
* Size Large
* About 65 cm
* Weight 50 kg
* HAIR CARE Easily
* TRAINING demanding
* FEED abundantly
* TEMPERAMENT Bold and durable

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