
Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Pets are wonderful and funny

Many of us are in the privileged position to beautiful and cute pets to have. Whether goudvissies in an aquarium or large dogs, pets surely bring much joy into the lives of their owners.
There are strange animals, but most people are satisfied with dogs, cats, canaries, parrots, horses, rabbits, Marmotte, fish or white mice for pets.
Although it is conspicuous how people and especially children, the companionship of pets to enjoy, there are also benefits to the deeper fellowship with toeteldiere. Thus there by scientists determined that when people who are sick or disabled a troeteldiertjie like a puppy caressed, their blood pressure began to decrease to a more normal level. The patients are also more relaxed and even smiled.
Pets. Pork with sunglasses and scarf
Pets must be carefully chosen and very reasonably needs. The food must be appropriate, peace camp must be properly prepared, and certain animals should be brushed or geroskam. Many ask regular exercises, like to walk or to a ball game. Visits to the veterinarian are also important and loving care on an ongoing basis is of primary importance. Although pets teach children responsibility for all the better to master, it is not recommended for a pet that needs much care for a child too young to give. Only if parents or older brothers or sisters are willing to help with the care, can something be considered. It is very bad for example. for small kittens or puppies to just be straight up with a baby or toddler. For both the pet and the child, because the animal may bite or scratch, because he hurt.
Animals also play large roles as werkersdiere or geselskapsdiere. There is the dog that is part of redddingsspanne part by rampsituasies, dogs that are part of the police form, or dogs that should be guide for the blind. There are other dogs that assist disabled people with their household, for example. for items to be wearing. Dogs are also some people who will attack, use. Apparently, some dogs build up to observe the attack, due to the change in the person's breath or velreuk before such an attack. The dog can help the person to a safe sitposisie to take before the attack a start and stop the person does not fall and hurt not.

Horse people are already used in cases where people went through traumatic experiences and struggles to socially participate in conversations. Friendships and horses are known for many centuries and sometimes in oorlogsverhale read, but the therapeutic value of riding and caring for the animals are now more and more highlighted.
While stories of hondehelde many see the light, there are also stories of cats that people have warned against earthquakes, a fire in the home, or approaching storms. There were cats that their owners awake when burglars would try to do evil.
Pets are wonderful, but remains a very big responsibility. Let us give their love and care they need. We will definitely be rewarded with a much larger unselfish friendship and love than we can ever give yourself.

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