
Minggu, 25 April 2010

Worm Problems In Animals

Worms are parasites of animal species in the dog's body, because the worms live in 2 (two) of the place, that is life in gastrointestinal tissue (intestine basis) and there is a living body tissue that is found in liver, lung,
Worms worms are very worried about us as a loving dog, even the very deadly in our pets because worms are stacked inside the body of the animal.
Accordingly it is very Necessary Because We consider the problem of worms in our pets, ESPECIALLY puppies, Because the puppy from its mother In The Womb, already deposited eggs inside the worm her placenta.
so the puppies born with worms carrying the seed, and after excluding the child feeding on its parent, so That the child is deposited back beyond any participating seed worms through on their mother's milk.
So the puppy is not uncommon at the age of three weeks or a few days the puppy had diarrhea stools like chili beans, seeds or eggs that hatch within the body of the worm have the puppy.So That at the age of three weeks is not unusual for a puppy WHO Had dysentery What Happens Pals no immediate handled will of cause a Weakness in the puppy of Which occurred anemia and lack of iron in the body of a puppy. So That in the weak position of the puppy is a virus in your body Stronger Volvo These puppies, causing a fatal and contagious Trust relatives to death.
By because it was to prevent the unwanted things like the above, should the puppy at the age of two weeks we've had to also write to the tillers of worm medicine for it so quickly eradicated the seeds of young worms with a weight adjusted dose or a dose of 300 mg / 10 kg body weight. During the two or three consecutive days. (Using ALBENDAZOLE famously. To avoid diarrhea)
But remember to this day there is no any kind of worm medicine that can kill the worm eggs, it means that we switch off so far are just the worm, and not their eggs. Meaning:
Every day the worm eggs hatch, so that at the age of two weeks it has become the adult worms and is ready to lay back and so was his dog's age.


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