
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Safety Tips With a Cat

Based on a simple survey conducted Prevention magazine, an unwillingness to maintain the cat lies on aspects of health. Cats are often associated as triggers illness such as asthma, allergies, and toxoplasma. According Drh. Cut, asthma is logically associated with dirt and dust. It is true that, fur cat can make us sneeze. But it could be only in the early days of the presence of cats at home. After that, we'll get used to. "I have patients with asthma, but asthma relapse never though he kept a cat," said Drh. Cut.

While for the case of Toxoplasma, you could say somewhat unique and growing the virus in cats with the perfect body. But do not panic. The fact we were not able to make a benchmark that all cats be infected with Toxoplasma. "Toxoplasma issued with cat feces, and not every time. There are certain times spent with toxoplasma oocytes dirt. In fact, the case of Toxoplasma occurs more frequently in animals eating raw or undercooked meat. In the goat, for example, likely infected with Toxoplasma is 80% , clearly Drh. Cut.

Hold or touch the cat was not then immediately make you infected. According Drh. Cut, at least it takes about five days to be infected with Toxoplasma.

To be aware of cats that can be transmitted disease is scabies, caused by lice. Direct contact will cause you are infected with this bug. "This also happens to those who have pet rabbits. To my knowledge, no studies that indicate other diseases caused by cats," explained Drh. Cut.

Safe for children

As far as we can pay attention to hygiene and health factors, cats will not bring a problem-in fact the whole family can be comforted by his presence. So you have no doubt keep a cat, try to follow the tip Drh. Cut about maintenance:

1. Clean the litter box immediately. Flush with water, then wash with soap. Avoid direct contact with faeces, should wear gloves.

2. Avoid raw foods on cats. Give foods that are cooked or special food for cats.

3. Give a vaccine in cats once a year. This applies to the cats of various types, whether long or short haired. "Vaccines that I give is usually rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia. While the rabies vaccine shall be given to cats, in accordance with the law. It was like, there's no mercy for animals that have been infected with rabies," said Drh. Cut.

So that children can interact with her beloved cat without having to make us worry, priority is always clean. Teach them to always wash hands after handling, touching, or playing with cats. If all conditions are met, cats became animals are kept safe. Even for you with children aged under five.

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