
Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Rare Plants Stolen From Kelimutuensis Begonia

Rare plant species, Begonia kelimutuensis or commonly called Uta Onga, the world's only found in the National Park area Flores, in the District Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara is beginning to be stolen.
"The case of theft of these plants started to happen since last June when the media published the discovery intensified this plant as a new species," said Head of the Park Flores, Billy Soebiantoro, Friday (5 / 12), in Ende.
According to Billy, a kind of theft of plants, many shrubs do in the Arboretum location, not far from the trichromatic Flores crater lake.
To anticipate a larger theft, Flores TN parties other than increasing security and surveillance, as well as information dissemination through RRI to reach communities in the villages, as well as remote, especially in the area Kelimutu TN.
In November 2008, the TN Flores gave a plea for RRI through 20 times, which aims to contribute to society mempersuasif maintain and supervise the preservation of all species of plants in TN area Flores, not only kelimutuensis Begonia.
"Because if we rely solely on a very limited forces. We also watched the tourists, especially foreign tourists. But still we do control it very carefully so as not to interfere with the convenience of tourists," said Billy.
Just to note, in addition to Uta Onga, there are also other plant species has its own uniqueness as endemic plants in TN Flores, with the local language called turuwara (Rhododendron renschianum).
With so many unique species of endemic plants in the region TN Flores, the Flores TN Hall was to be more strict in monitoring the existing flora.

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