
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Do not chain your dog

Many people think that dogs should live outside the home, and they remain tied because they do not want their dog to run away or explore the park. Or maybe the dog grew too big to be in the house, or may have a behavior that can not be dealt with the owner, so the dog was left in the yard. Or maybe the dog was outside the house to protect the house.
Changing Paradigms in the chain
Whatever the reason, many dog owners still chained dog look. And too many communities are opposed to chained dogs in the long term.
First, many people who learned that a prolonged tie a dog a bad impact for the dog. For animals that live in groups, dogs like to socialize and flexibility to move critical to the development of his soul. In other words, the first dog friendly and happy to have emotional problems: not happy, nervous, and aggressive, when kept bound and isolated. Research suggests that a chained dog bite more often than not chained dogs.
In addition, a chained dog can accidentally strangle themselves if they are tied too close to the fence and tried to jump over the fence. Dogs are tied too easily become an attack target by other animals or humans cruel.
Releasing your dog from the chai
The second reason that causes many dogs end up in the chain is a dog owner who wants to solve problems quickly and easily with the way their dogs tied outside the home. Leash, keep the family location and problems completed. If you want to consider the physical and psychological well-being other than rope or chain, consider the following suggestions:
1. Install a fence or make its own land for the space your dog to stay. Make sure it meets the minimum area requirement.
2. If you already have a fence and your dog can jump, attach additional leads into the 45-degree angle at the top of your fence. Many stores that sell building materials additions like this.
3. If your dog digging under a fence and escape from your yard, plant a chicken wire as deep as 1 foot below the ground where the fence is installed (make sure to bend the sharp edges). Or place a large rock under the fence.
4. If your dog does not dig a place that you want (like in the garden, or flower arrangements), consider putting plastic garden fencing or similar barrier around the area. Or provide your dog a sand box. Bury toys in the sandbox and use a little positive help to train your dog that it's okay if digging there.
5. Register your dog to obedience classes, especially if the reason the dog is left outside the home is the behavior / compliance
6. Sterilize your dog. Dogs who have listeria usually calmer and more happy to be home. This is a safe procedure which has advantages in terms of health and nature of repairs dogs. Ask your veterinarian subscriptions for more information.
7. Remember that the nature of dogs as vicious / aggressive, barking, chewing, and digging usually is the result of specific causes. By providing appropriate toys for your dog, exercise, time with people and encouragement of positive reply, you may be able to change his behavior so that it can be accepted inside the house. In addition, a dog that is in the house would be more useful in preventing an intruder enters your house than a dog that was tied in the yard.
Giving your dog the appropriate place
Dogs are allowed diluarjuga feel cold and hot. To protect your dog from bad weather, provide a dog house good enough. However, remember in your mind, that some types that have a very panjan fur or a very short g can not tolerate excessive temperatures, though the house has provided a pretty good dog. Also please remember, if you have more than 1 dog, you must provide separate homes for each dog.
Dog house is a place to sleep and rest for dogs, not interpreted as an area where the dogs play.
To build a dog house comfortable for your dog, consider a few suggestions below:
1. Dog house should be large enough for the dog can stand and turn comfortably. But small enough so the dog can maintain the warmth inside the house.
2. The house must have a sufficient slope and a good roof that water can flow easily.
3. Do not build a dog house in the middle of the garden / land. These conditions facilitate the spread of lice and disease, muddy and humid and unhealthy for dogs.
4. Doors should be large enough for your dog in and out with ease.
5. Make sure the dog house has a cover to avoid the heat and rain.
6. Make sure the dog house clean, especially during the humid rainy season. Be sure to always clean up the neighborhood dogs, so dogs free of fleas.
7. The bed is clean and dry, as such Rags and Baby Blankets or treatment can be used. These beds should be cleaned every week to keep it clean.
8. Every time your dog is outside, make sure the availability of clean water in a bowl or large bowl.

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