
Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Loranthus It is not harmful, but also Forever Has Many Benefits

Loranthus (Loranthus, familia Euphorbiaceae) is a plant species that do not need the media as a place of his land, they live "ride" on other plants. This is called plant plant parasites, because hanging some or all of the Necessities of life (food and energy) from other plants (plants which he rode is called the host).Host is not uncommon to die because of his "food" in its absorption by the parasite.
Rafflesia There are two types of parasitic plants, the parasite Fakultative, who just took some "food" from other plants, this species still has a leaf to make the process of photosynthesis itself, for example, is a parasite. Obligate parasites (true parasites) that rely entirely on other plants, such as Rafflesia
There are also plant species of which "only" ride, without taking food / energy from its host plants, this plant is called efifit, for example is the orchids.
Oh yes, how parasites can grow on the branches of tall trees?, They are spread by birds or animals that eat the fruit of chance and seeds, then the birds or animals that throw litter and attached to a tree branch, then seeds that are not join digested it germinated and began to live.
Although the parasite is considered the parasite by its host plants, humans turned out to benefit from this parasite. Herbalist Some (medicine from plants) take advantage of this parasite as a drug. Some parasite known is that tea is said to be used as cancer drugs ..

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