Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Extinction Caused by Human Activity
Human activity to cause the greatest extinction of living things. Man-made environmental destruction and the extinction of life on the earth's environment quickly than evolutionary change, both climate change and natural disasters.
As stated by Dr. Aziz H Fachroel in scientific oration entitled Evolution and Vertebrate Paleontology Indonesia: Perspective on Climate Change in Board of Geology, Bandung, Monday (15/12).
Oration was delivered when Fachroel crowned as a research professor of paleontology. Two other researchers named a research professor is Bhakti Hamonangan Harahap Msc (petrograpbic) and Dr. Dennis Abidin Hamdan MAppSc (Geology and Geophysics).
According to Fachroel, there are three causes of extinction. Extinction caused by natural disasters, long-term extinction due to climate change and due to human activity.
Fachroel says, examples of extinction due to natural disasters is the extinction of endemic fauna in Tangiitalo Soa Basin of Flores. The reason is the natural disaster Soa volcanic eruptions, about 2 million years ago. In addition, the eruption of Mount Tambora on Sumbawa fire in 1815 which destroyed ethnic Tambora.
Changes due to climate change took place gradually. For example, the succession of animal life in Java. Satir Fauna of them (about 1500 years ago) dominated mastodons and a large tortoise. Fauna Fauna Cisaat-Sandpipers (1200-1000 years) is dominated Stegodon and deer. Fauna Fauna Kedungbrubus-Ngandong (800-200000 years) dominated the elephant (Elephas hysudrindicus), tapir (Tapirus indicus), pigs (Sus magrognathus), and homo erectus solonensis. After that, there PUNUNG Fauna (200-25000 years) who dominated the bear (Ursus malayanus), goat (Capricornus sumatraensis), and modern humans (Homo sapiens).
The latter, the most concern, the extinction due to human activity. This was reflected in the extinction of fauna in Java. Among tigers, tapirs, and elephants. Changes in land use from forest to settlements and agriculture are the main cause.
"This concern for the fauna occurred in Sumatera and Kalimantan. Their existence is threatened as in Java, "he said.
He said the extinction caused by natural disasters and climate change is an evolutionary change that took place millions of years and is very unique in the history of the earth. However, the extinction due to human activity caused rapid impact and environmental destruction is very wide.
This indicates, evolution can not compensate for the drastic changes due to human activity. He added that humans are creatures of disaster and at the same makers try to overcome it. However, often do not succeed and even fail in his attempt to save the environment.